

Great 2015 Spring Season

Posted by Bryant Jung on Jun 15 2015 at 05:00PM PDT

It's hard to believe that our spring season is over.  I hope you all had fun with your families and that your kids enjoyed playing on their teams.  I enjoyed watching our families have fun as well as watching some great baseball games.  I'd like to say "Thank You" to all of our incredible volunteers who made our season possible.  Without you, our league would not be the special place that it is.  So on behalf of our nearly 600 OVLL families, thank you volunteers for giving us so much of yourselves!  You are the best!  Good luck to our graduating "Legends," we will miss you and we hope you come back to visit.  We look forward to seeing the rest of you next season.  Thank you again OVLL, enjoy your summer.

President Rob


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