

Posted by Robert Horn on Oct 18 2005 at 05:00PM PDT

It is the policy of the Salt Lake Scorpions Club that players attend every practice, game tournament and team activity to for the duration unless the coaches have stipulated that it is optional. This equates to about 3 hours of practice and 2-4 hours of game time per week during the on season (6 months, Aug-Oct., March-May). Off season is 1-2 hours of practice, 1 hour of games (4 months Nov-Feb, June-July). Break, with no soccer commitment (2-4 months Nov or Dec, June or July).

It is the player’s responsibility to plan and organize their schedule to meet this commitment. This might mean certain sacrifices must be made. Missing your soccer commitment is not acceptable.

A good competitive team, high school, as well as college teams expect this level of commitment; it has been done by players while at the same time maintaining grades, a well rounded life style and meeting family, religious and other extra curricular activities.

It is to your advantage to meet the expectations and standards of the team and club. The coaching staff puts a lot of time and energy into these teams. It hoped this is understood and that the passion, desire and commitment is developed and as you will see, it will pay off.

SLS Coaching Staff



Player Absentee Request: (Please fill in the form below) 

This from must be filled out for every event that aplayer is not in attendance. Forms generally should be filled out at least twoweeks prior to the day(s) in which you desire to miss.


The standard policy is that you do not miss during thefall, spring seasons and scheduled tournaments for any reason. It is important then to understand that even missing one time during the set schedule is already in violation of team policy. The policy is designed for competitive players who desire to play and compete at a competitive level.


Players/parents should review the parent orientation packet which details the unforeseen circumstances that are deemed acceptable. Players and parents alike must understand that regardless of the reason or circumstances, players must still fulfill make-up requirements as outlined in the orientation packet.


Players and parents should pay particular attention to the first week of each starting season in August and March when two-a-days occur. These are the most important training sessions of the fall and spring season. This is the time when players and team comes together both physically and mentally. Because of its importance and the numberof training sessions during this time, players do themselves and the team a great disservice by missing.     


The attendance policy is designed to give a player relief only on very rare occasions. Players who miss more than three times in a given year are choosing to accept the make-up requirements and or probation as stated in the orientation packet.


Please note: Phone calls, verbal communication, and e-mails do not constitute notification of absence. Only this official absentee request form will be accepted. This absentee request does not guarantee that the reason stated is acceptable or that the request will be granted. If a player (parent) chooses not to attend the scheduled event, they also are choosing to accept the set policy as stated which includes: writtenreports, video reports and probation (nonparticipation in scheduled games).  Players who miss and do not turn in this absentee request form will be placed on probation and will remain until the absentee form has been completed and turned in regardless of the number oftimes they have missed.

Players may fill in the form below or upload the document and turn it in to the coach.

Important:When filling out the form please do not use the "enter" or "return" key as this will send your form before you have completed it. Please use your tab or mouse   



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