


SLS Orientation Packet

Posted by Robert Horn on Aug 06 2008 at 05:00PM PDT







Fall 2008

Option #1 for Aug2008 _____

Week 1: Monday Aug. 4 –Saturday Aug. 9: Two-a-days

AM Running at Sugar HousePark (1 hour) Afternoontraining (1.5 Hours)

Sat. the 9th Mini 4v4Tournament/Raging Waters BBQ

Week #2 Wed. Aug. 13 – Sat.Aug. 16 USAor Striker Tournament

Week 3-4 Aug. 18-30 Falltraining 3 days/week 1.5 hours

Fall Season will beginsometime during these two weeks

Options #2 for Aug.2008____

 Week 1: Monday Aug. 11 – Saturday Aug. 16:Two-a-days

AM Running at Sugar HousePark (1 hour) Afternoontraining (1.5 Hours)
Sat. the 16th Mini 4v4 Tournament/Raging Waters BBQ

Week 2-3 Aug. 18-30 Falltraining 3 days/week 1.5 hours

Fall Season will beginsometime during these two weeks

Week #3 Wed. Aug. 28 – Sept.1 Mayors Cup


Fall Season: End of Aug.-Oct.

Players should plan on twopractices and two games a week.

Games and practices could beany day of the week Mon-Sat

Game times 6:00 PM

Practices times between4:00-8:30 PM

4:00-5:30___ 5:30-7:00___7:00-8:30___ or 5:00-6:30____6:30-8:00___

Please select which timeslots may work best for you

October 1-11 PresidentsCup Tournament

Winter 2008

Options #1____

Nov. 10-22 Prep Training forthe Las Vegas Turkey Shoot

Nov. 28-30 LasVegas TurkeyShoot

Winter Break: December 1 –Feb 2 

Feb. 2-11 Training for IceBreaker Soccer Tournament-Players should plan on daily training for 9 dayswhich will include outdoor running and some early morning indoor trainingsessions.

Feb. 14-16 Ice BreakerSoccer Tournament (St. George)

Break Feb 17- March 8

Option #2____

Nov. 1- Feb 2 Possible oneday a week winter training and or 1-2 sessions of indoor league play with orwithout winter training

Feb. 2-11 Training for IceBreaker Soccer Tournament-Players should plan on daily training for 9 dayswhich will include outdoor running and some early morning indoor trainingsessions.

Feb. 14-16 Ice BreakerSoccer Tournament (St. George)

Break Feb 17- March 8

Option #3____

Nov. 1- Feb 2 Winter Break

Feb. 2-11 Training for IceBreaker Soccer Tournament-Players should plan on daily training for 9 dayswhich will include outdoor running and some early morning indoor trainingsessions.

Feb. 14-16 Ice BreakerSoccer Tournament (St. George)

Break Feb 17- March 8

Spring 2008

March 9-14 PM Running at Sugar HousePark

March 16-31 Training threedays a week tenative Tues, Thurs, Sat.

Games and practices could beany day of the week Mon-Sat

Game times 6:00 PM

Practices times between4:00-8:30 PM

Spring season will mostlikely begin the last week of March or the first week of April.

March 30-May 9 Spring Seasonplay 2 practice and 2 games per week

May 11-25 State Cup


All of the Scorpions teamswill be participating in the 2009 Utah State Cup. Please be prepared forintense training during the weeks prior to this tournament. Winners of StateCup will travel to Far West Regionals in June and any Scorpion teams that havewon the state cup tournament will be expected to continue intense training intothe middle of June.

Please consider the followingholidays that fall during our soccer season/commitment. Please carefully plantrips and avoid extended stays that will conflict.

-Labor Day
-Memorial Day
-Spring Break (keep in mind this is different depending on your school andtherefore will very likely have a conflict).
-Mothers Day
-Presidents Day


Commitment/AttendancePolicy: Please understand that this is a Competitive Soccer Club and the success of the programs demands a highlevel of commitment. It is the policy of the Salt Lake Scorpions Club thatplayers attend every practice, game, tournament and team activity for theduration unless the coaches have stipulated that it is optional. SLS does notdifferentiate the importance of games over practices and therefore both areequally important.

SLS Soccer Commitment From: June 1, 2008 – May 31, 2009

All Players, Parents, Step Parents, Nannies/Babysitters,Grandparents and or anyone else who may affect a players ability to keep theirsoccer commitment should read, understand, the SLS Soccer commitment

Required: On Season-Seven months,this is not optional
Approximately 3 hours of practice and 2-4 hours of game time per week;please plan trips and other activities very carefully during these months.
-Fall: August, September and October.
-Winter: February
-Spring: March, April, and May

Not Required Off Season- Five months,this is optional
Approximately 1-2 hours of practice, 1 hour of games; taking trips, musiclessons, other sports, plays and any other activity are great during thesemonths. 
-Summer: June and July
(No SoccerCommitment, exception June 2009 Region tournament if team has won state cup)
-Winter: November, December, January
(NoSoccer Commitment)



Becausesoccer is at times unpredictable it is impossible to specify exactly which daysand times within these months. Please Do not complicate your life by overextending yourself with other high level activities that are inflexible duringthe required months you have committed to play on an SLS Soccer team. This willonly frustrate you, your family, your team and your coach. 

Several factors play a role:

1-SLS is dependant on UYSA who put schedules out usually less than a week priorto your first game.
2-As SLS teams move from division to division game days and times will changefrom season to season.
3-SLS shares the GraniteSchool district and cityfields with several other teams and sports therefore practice/game days mayvary from week to week or season to season.
4-Games and or practices may be cancelled due to weather, tournaments or someother reason and will need to be made up. These make-ups will be dependant onteam/field availability and may be rescheduled for any day and or time of theweek excluding Sunday.
5-Regular season games extend out of Salt Lake Cityto Tooele, Provo, Heber, Ogden,Logan and willrequire additional drive time.

Coaches’ trainers and administrators arrangetheir family, work and life schedules to meet and accommodate their soccercommitments. In doing so it is not the intent to imply that players should nothave the opportunity to participate in family activities/trips, holidays, othersports, music, dance, arts/plays, religious activities and so forth. It doesmean for the 2008-2009 required commitment as stated that you will be willingto rearrange any activity that may conflict with your soccer commitment.








It is not acceptable for players to missSoccer Practices, Games or Activities during the following months Aug., Sept.,Oct., Feb., March, April, May)

1-Birthday Parties (anyone’s)
2-Plays (do not commit to be in plays you are not willing to miss practices orperformances should there be a soccer conflict)
3-Music Lessons (There are 5 months with absolutely no conflict, considerfinding a flexible teacher for the 7 months there may be a conflict)
4-Music Performances (For this one year commitment you may simply need to takeprivate lessons. Before signing up for in-school music ask the teacher if youare able to miss the spring concert without a penalty on your grade, if youhappen to have a conflict)
5-Parents teacher conferences (this is a parent- teacher session, players mustattend their practices and games)
6-Poor Grades (parents should never use missing soccer practices or games as apunishment once they have committed to an SLS team, this is a poor lesson inand of itself. Consider not allowing participation the following year asmotivation, but either way physical fitness, a healthy body and the socialatmosphere soccer provides are very important.)
7-Parents choice (Parents diverting responsibility from player to themselvesfor not keeping soccer commitments does not justify or relinquish the player’sresponsibility and will not be accepted).
8-Other Sports: Participation in other sports is encouraged during the 5 monthoff season.
High School Team: SLS Players on highschool teams. This will be considered the SLS players primary team and playerswill not participate with the SLS program until the high school season hasended.
Jr. High Teams: Junior High teamsalmost never pose a conflict unless a competitive game is scheduled out of the Salt LakeValley. In thesesituations the player must inform their junior high coach that they may need toleave early. If the Junior High coach will not permit you to leave early thenyou may need to reconsider playing on that team.  
9-Weekday Religious activities and Scouts-SLS will not require any players toplay on Sunday; however players may not miss soccer games or practices due tothese activities. Often there is not a conflict because these activities areheld later in the evenings and or SLS may offer a make-up practices session
10-Family trips-It is important that families review the soccer seasons andplan their trips to allow their player keep/attend their soccer commitment.
11-Player injury/illness- generally speaking players are not permitted to missdue to illness, meaning if they are injured or ill they may not be able toparticipate but will still be required to attend games and practices todemonstrate commitment, show support and receive instruction. Players that aretoo ill to attend should have their parents fill out an SLS absentee formlocated on the SLS web site
www.saltlakescorpions.com  requesting permission to miss.



SLSrecognizes that there are times when players cannot keep their commitment suchreasons may include:

1-Serious illness, accident or injury
2-Death in the family or funeral of close loved one
3-Immediate family wedding
4-Baptism or other once in a life-time personal or immediate family religiousevent
5-Special request

PlayerAbsentee Request

SLS is implementing a new policy thatrequires any player that misses or desires to miss a practice, game, requiredtournament or team activity for any reason to fill out an SLS absentee requestform at least two weeks prior to the event. Exceptions would be for unforeseendeaths, accidents and illness which forms should then be filled out within oneweek after the event so SLS may document the player’s excused absence. Playerabsentee requests maybe filled out for any reason. Permission to miss may ormay not be granted depending on reason for request.

The following procedures will be implemented for players who do not fill out anabsentee request, arbitrarily miss or are denied permission to miss.

1-First miss: Verbal acknowledgement andwarning
2-Second miss: Player must write a one page report double spaced on theimportance of keeping commitments, attending practices and games,. Reports mustbe written within the time assigned by the coach or trainer.
3-Third miss: player must watch a full 90 min. professional soccer game(provided by SLS) and document A-Teams playing, B-Goals scored, min and bywhom, C-provided commentary on game. This must be completed by the time assignedby the coach or trainer.
4-Fourth miss: Player is placed on probation. Player will not be permitted toplay for one week or two games, however player will be required to attend allpractices and games while on probation.
5- Fifth miss: or unresolved issues from 1-4 -Player is placed on probationuntil the issue is resolved. Before a player is taken off of probation, playeralong with all parents and or guardians will need to meet with at least two SLScoaches to resolve any issues, If issues cannot be resolved player will remainon probations until the year commitment has been completed

Cancellationsof Practices and Games:

Games are almost never cancelled; if they arethey must be called at the field by the referee so as to avoid a forfeit. Practiceswill only be cancelled if there is risk to players such as lightning or theconditions are so poor that it is impossible to play or the field may bedamaged. Practices will be called 2-4 hours prior to practice and will notresume if called even if the weather clears up. Notification will be on the SLSweb site, computer generated phone call and voice mail 801-232-1111.

Role will be taken at each practice and Game.

Conditions for players who arrive late or leave early will be as follows:

1-Verbal Warnings
2-Player will be required to write a one page report double spaced on theimportance of arriving on time to games and practices
3-Player will be placed on probation and will have to sit out of the next game.
4-Player will be placed on probation until the issue is resolved. To resolvethe issue player, parents and at least two SLS coaches must have a formalmeeting to discuss the issue.
5-If the issue cannot be resolved player will remain on probation until theissue is resolved or the year commitment to the SLS team has concluded.









SLS has a comprehensive web site that allowsfor quick and easy access to all information relating to the SLS teams. Oursystem also has a computer generated system that allows all players to becalled at one time for urgent or updated information. In order for this systemto be effective we must have current and accurate information. Please provideus with all numbers you wish to have called and at least one very reliablee-mail address that we can use to communicate SLS information to you.

Thank You!

Parent Name___________________ PlayerName___________________

Primary Number____-_____-_____ H___C___W___

Secondary Number___-_____-_____H___C___W___

Player Number ___-_____-_____C___

Please print very clearly

Primary e-mail_________________________@_____________.______

Secondary e-mail_______________________@_____________.______














Ice Breaker Tournament

The Ice Breaker is the Scorpion Hosted Tournament of the year.  Attendance, participation and fees are considered mandatory. All team members are considered as traveling and lodging with the team.  If a player wants to travel or stay with their family instead of the team, the player still needs to pay the team fee as we factor in paying for the coaches and team mom's as an entire group.  


We need 9 volunteers to drive as team vehicles.  We are looking for drivers with cars that can hold 6 people including the driver.  You will be reimbursed $120 for the gas for travel up and back based on $4.50/gallon. ***if gas prices are significantly higher/lower we will change the fee accordingly.


We need volunteers to become Ice Breaker committee members willing to help plan, prepare, and participate in the Ice Breaker Tournament Fund raisers in St. George. Money raised will be used to buy some team equipment and also the opportunity for individuals to earn money towards next year's fees!  Be thinking!!!!


Mark Your Calendar---Ice Breaker Committee meetings scheduled for Tues Oct 21st, Tues Dec 2nd and Monday Feb 2nd all @ 7pm We'll brainstorm ideas/plan/prepare/etc... for the fund raising sales at the Ice Breaker. Location to be announced.


SLS Fees/Coaching Fees

Monthly coaching fees will be collected and distributed by Geri Elliott 277-8588


The monthly fee will be $45 per month for the following months:

 Aug. Sept. Oct. Feb. March, April and May.

Players choosing to train or play during the winter months Nov. Dec. Jan. or play in an indoor sessions with a coach will pay a $25 monthly coaching fee.


Fall Training fees of $135 will be due by July 1, 2008

Winter training fees of $45 (Feb only) or $120 (Nov. Dec. Jan.) due Oct. 1

Spring Training Fees of $135 will be due by Feb. 1

If you choose to pay monthly the fee will be $55 per month

$15.00 will be added to payments made after the due date


USA Cup or Mayors Cup Tournament $50 due July 1, 2008

Ice Breaker Tournament $65.00 due Nov. 1, 2008

State Cup Tournament $75.00 due Feb 1, 2009

Indoor Session $50-60 due Oct 1, 2009


All payments can be made with a credit card or check

2008 Summer Camp/Summer personal training

Tino and Brennan are offering a 6 day Summer Camp

Date: Monday June 9 – Saturday June 14 (This date may be flexible and will be determined at the parent orientation).

Location: Cottonwood Complex 4400 South 1300 East

Time: 6:00-8:00 PM

Cost: $100

Must have a minimum of 6 players attend camp


For anyone interested they are also offer personal training of 1.5 hours each  throughout the summer

Dates and times will be arranged on a one on one basis


-Single training Session $50 each session

-6 training sessions over the summer $270 ($45/session you save $30)

-10 or more over the summer $400 ($40/session you save $100)

Please call to set up:

Brennan 858-531-7478

Tino 562-388-5550





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