

Summer Success

Posted by Kris Kienzle on Jun 30 2007 at 05:00PM PDT
More success for Warrior wrestlers.
 Warrior wrestlers Zach Braud, Michael Podnar, Ben Willeford, Jared Dietrich, Cameron Gibson, and Marshall Leavoy participated in one of the freestyle tournaments. Even with very little practice these guys laced up there shoes and gave it a go. I am very proud that all of these guys showed what true "Warrior Spirit" is all about. Everyone gained valuable mat time. Jared and Cameron had tough pools including wrestlers that have participated in National Events. I am proud that these guys even came to the tournament. The summer season is all about experience and fun. I appreciate the work you guys are putting in. Cameron and Jared I want you to keep up the good fight.  
 Ben Willeford had an off weekend and did not place. This was a wake up call and the next weekend he avenged a couple of losses and won the Mid-City Freestyle Tournament held at Jesuit High School beating Jesuit's Jeff Vitenas in the finals. Ben has continued to hone his skills this summer and will be a terror on the mat next season. We are still deciding if Ben will participate in more National Events this year or if preparation for the upcoming season is more important. Earlier this summer Ben qualified for the Nationals by winning both the Freestyle and Greco titles at the Southeast Regionals. 
 Marshall Leavoy had to cut his tournament short after posting two impressive victories. The prom called him away. The tournament started close to 3 hours late. You cannot expect a guy to wait all day and leave his girl in the car. Marshall also wrestled in the Southeast Regionals and had an impressive showing.
 What a weekend Michael Podnar had. Michael posted a couple of victories and made his first finals match. He came up a bit short, but wrestled valiantly. This kid is going to be one to watch this next season. His upper body strength continues to improve and his shoulders are now staying where they are supposed to. Congratulations "Flipper".
 Last, but certainly not least, Zach Braud. What did this guy do? He only won the tournament with victories over the Brother Martin kid and others. What an accomplishment. Two weeks of practice in a new style of wrestling and our guys hold their own. Zach I expect big things from you next season. You can play football, but we all know your true love is wrestling. 
 I am proud of these guys and hope that all of you will come be oart of the summer program. Weight-lifting is being scheduled and we will have open mat several times a week. Camps are just around the corner and many are posted on the schedule. I am also working on next seasons schedule and posting those events as they are scheduled. Please let me know if I can help any of your kids accomplish any of their goals this summer.


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