

It took one year, but it had to happen!!!

Posted by Paul Gio on Jul 31 2007 at 05:00PM PDT
Playing w/o McAndrew, Bradley, Tor, Mojo, Richie and Calamity and playing vs Celtic was going to be hard as we all knew. Compound the turnpike problem and we had late boddies coming in. Even so we started strong as our Assasin made a cameo and put us on top 1-0. However it was exactly one year ago when we threw a stinker vs Old Man Tommy an we waited for exactly one year later to do the same. We went flat the rest of the game, and they tilted the field. They scored 4 and BANG we went down for our first loss 4-1. The difference though this year is we are not running away with the title, we are running to catch up. Now we need an Al Michaels- we need a miracle. With 3 left, and I feel strange saying this, but our only loss of the season has made things way too tough.!!!!!!


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