

Posted by Dan Wukmir on Apr 25 2009 at 05:00PM PDT

Gold Country Buzzards Game Report #5

April 26, 2009

 Buzzards Pound T-Wolves 16 – 0 

It was an ideal Sunday afternoon to be playing baseball.  The temperature was in the mid-70’s and the Antelope High School JV field was in excellent shape and ready to host a game between the visiting Gold Country Ol’ Buzzards and the newest team in the league, the Timber Wolves.  The winless T-Wolves record indicated they were easy prey for the Buzzards.  However, the T-Wolves were sending an all-star pitcher, the crafty veteran southpaw, Barry Markman #3, to the mound to face Bob “Woody” Wooden # 22 throwing for the Buzzards and starting his first game of the season. 

The Buzzards started strong and put seven runs on the board in the top of the first inning.  Taylor “Welzy” Welz started it off with a double to left.  Dan “Wookie” Wukmir bounced one to the left side that the third baseman bobbled putting runners at first and third.  Woody singled to left driving in Welzy for the first run.  Jim “Milli” Milligan hit a high fly into the sun in left field that dropped scoring Wookie.  Dave “Keppy” Kephart got on base next with an infield throwing error that also scored Woody.  Gary “Stoney” Stonebrook followed with a double to right field scoring the fourth run.  The next two batters, Ray “Bull Dog” Henry and Mark “Ronnie” Wronski, got on base via infield errors with Keppy and Stoney scoring.  With one out Charles “CJ” Jackson loaded the bases on a ground ball bobbled by the shortstop.  With two outs Wookie fouling off several pitches, walked on eight pitches to force in the seventh run of the first inning.  There were 13 batters in the first inning, already messing up the score keeper’s book. 

With the good offensive start, the Buzzards then proceeded to shut down the Timber Wolves.  Woody pitched five solid innings of shutout baseball before making way for Keppy and Bull Dog in the sixth and seventh innings to finish off the T-Wolves.  Woody faced 17 batters, striking out two in looking sharp and not giving up a hit until the fifth inning.  Woody threw 63 pitches (43 strikes & 20 balls) in five shutout innings giving up two hits with no walks and one hit batsman – by the way, the biggest guy on the other team, who expressed his displeasure when it happened in the first inning. 

The Buzzards scored once more in the third inning, but the T-Wolves pitcher, Barry Markman, did a good job of keeping the Buzzard batters off balance through the fifth inning, once he got some defense from his infield.  Ronnie started the third by hitting a high fly ball to right field that was lost in the sun by the fielder for a two base error.  It appeared he would score easy when Pete “Baron” Von Zboray hit a screamer deep in the left-center field gap, but the center fielder ran it down and made a nice catch for an out.  With two outs, Barry “Brooklyn” Forman hit a first pitch line drive to center scoring Ronnie.  The Buzzards had the bases loaded in the fourth before Bull Dog hit a shot up the middle that knocked the pitcher down, but Markman recovered to glove the ball and make the throw to first to end the inning. 

The Buzzards feasted on T-Wolf pitching in the sixth for five more runs.  Brett Courtney #6 started the inning by walking Wookie on five pitches.  Milli hit a 2-0 pitch to deep left-center for a double.  Keppy singled to left scoring Wookie from third.  Bull Dog walked with two outs loading the bases for Ronnie.  On the first pitch, Mark hit a double to the left-center field gap clearing the bases and knocking in three runs.  After changing pitchers to lefty Phil Stokes #17, the oldest pitcher in the league at 72 years old, the Baron slammed a double to left scoring Ronnie from second for the fifth run of the inning. 

In the seventh and last inning of the game, The Buzzards showed no mercy by scoring three more on two pitchers.  Ol’ timer Phil started the inning on the mound.  Welzy got on after the third baseman threw wildly to first.  Wookie hit a line drive to right field to put two runners on.  Milli then doubled to left scoring Welz.  Keppy followed with a single to right scoring Wookie from third.  Bull Dog knocked in the last run with a two out hit to center field for a 16-0 lead. 

Keppy pitched the sixth inning and struck-out the side.  The third batter hit an opposite field double to right field, but the other three batters struck out for a quick inning.  Keppy threw 18 pitches, 12 for strikes and 6 balls, in one inning of play.  Bull Dog pitched the final inning for his first of the season for the Buzzards.  Ray faced four Timber Wolves in striking out two and walking one while throwing 15 pitches (8 strikes & 7 balls).  Bull Dog got the last batter to strike out swinging to have a nice ending to the game. 

The pitching was dominant against the T-Wolves.  Woody gave a solid five innings with Keppy and Bull Dog making it look easy in this shut out.  The defense looked good in making all the plays today.  Of the 21 outs, 7 were strike outs leaving only 14 for the defense.  There were five infield pop ups, two to Welzy playing shortstop, two to Ronnie playing third and one to Keppy at first base.  There was only one fly ball out in the game.  It was to end the first inning on a long fly ball to Brooklyn patrolling left field.  The six ground ball outs were handled smoothly.  Welzy at short had one 6-3 to start the second inning, Ronnie at third had three chances and made them all. Mark had some action in three consecutive innings (2, 3 & 4) with two 5-3’s and one unassisted out at the third base bag.  There was only one double play in the game.  In the fifth inning with two runners on, Wookie snagged a liner at second base followed by a quick throw to first to nail the runner to end the scoring threat and the inning.  

The Buzzards scored 16 runs on 18 hits with four walks and two strike outs.  Several Ol’ Buzzards got multiple hits today: Keppy, Ronnie, Stoney and Wookie got two hits, while Milli got three.  Ronnie also knocked in three ribbies today.  Doubles were hit by Milli (2), Baron, Ronnie, Stoney and Welzy.  Excellent job today by the Buzzards. 

Buzzard Note #1: It appears the rain will postpone the next game against the undefeated Valley Cats.  The forecast for Sunday is more rain.  Next week is Mother’s Day, so no games will be played until May 17th.


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