

Posted by Dan Wukmir on Jun 10 2008 at 05:00PM PDT

Gold Country Ol’ Buzzards Game Report #6

May 4, 2008  

Buzzards Pounce on Reds 12 to 3

 On a beautiful day (83-degrees) in Citrus Heights, the Gold Country Ol’ Buzzards beat up the Reds’ pitching staff all afternoon in defeating last year’s NABA Champs 12 to 3.  The Buzzards defeated the Reds in the 3rd game of the season 7 – 4, no doubt a surprise loss at that time to the Reds, so this time the Reds really came prepared to show those upstart, undefeated Buzzards a thing or two about winning baseball games.  Instead, the fearless Buzzards started strong by scoring 7 runs in the first two innings.  Excellent pitching, good defense and 12 runs got the Buzzards another good win over an old adversary. 

The Buzzards were the home team at Brooktree Park – go figure.  Brooktree is a nice little neighborhood park with a rugged infield and a dangerous grass-dirt lip, while the outfield is dry and uneven.  Each ball bounce was an adventure.  The Reds had 7 errors compared to 1 (E-6 in the 6th) for the Buzzards.  There were plenty of opportunities for errors on this rough field, so kudos to the defense.  Play of the Day was the outstanding catch by Steve ‘Cookie’ Cook on a fading pop-up over his head at 2nd base.  Cookie had to back pedal, look into the sun, worry about a charging Baker from 1st base and stick that glove over his shoulder to snag the life out of a Reds rally and end the 7th inning with 2 runners on. 

Dave ‘Keppy’ Kephart started the game by walking the lead off batter, then settled down to get infield ground balls from the next 3 batters.  Cookie (once) and Mark ‘Ski’ Wronski (twice) fielded the balls cleanly and made good throws to get that first inning - against a charged up Reds team - under our belts. 

The Buzzards were ready to strike in the bottom of the inning.  Dan ‘Wuky’ Wukmir started it off with a full count walk.  Dennis ‘DV’ Viegas then looked surprised as he got the bunt sign from the 3rd base coach, and when he bunted a weird bouncer in front of the plate he watched for a moment, almost too long, as the pitcher misplayed it, then a moment later DV was standing on 1st base and Wuky was at 2nd.  One batter later Mike ‘Bake’ Baker hit a long drive that scored both runners for the early lead.  Bob ‘Woody’ Wooden followed with a single to score Bake and the Buzzards took a 3 – 0 lead at the end of the 1st inning.  Crooked numbers in the 1st are always a good start to a game. 

The 2nd inning saw patient Buzzards get 3 walks (Ski, Barry & DV), a sacrifice bunt by Wuky (lots of bunt signs during the early stages of this game) and RBI singles by Craig ‘CD’ Daniel and Bob ‘Woody’ Wooden to score 4 more runs and extend the lead to 7 runs.  A terrific start, however, the Buzzards did not score for the next 3 innings allowing the Reds to get 2 runs and build some momentum by the bottom of the 6th. 

The Reds got runners on base in every inning but the 5th.  Keppy only walked 3, so the Reds were persistent with 10 hits and putting pressure on our pitching and defense every inning.  For the next 4 innings the Reds had 6 runners (4 hits, 2 walks), but Keppy held them in check with 8 strikeouts, a ground ball come-backer, and ground balls to Bake at 1st base and Wuky at short. 

The Reds broke through in the 6th with 2 runs and seemed to pick up some energy to make a run at the Buzzards with the score now 7 - 2.  As the Buzzards entered the dugout after the inning, DV called everyone together for a little pep talk and a warning to get the offense going.  Right on cue, the Buzzards answered back starting with a lead off single by Pete ‘Baron’ Von Zboray, and followed with hits by Dave ‘Birthday Boy’ Kelley (2nd of the game), and Ski.  With the bases loaded Barry ‘Brooklyn’ Forman and Cookie walked to add to their RBI totals.  At the end of the 6th inning, the score was Buzzards 10 and the Reds 2.  That was a good 3-run inning with 4 hits and 3 walks to put a serious damper on the Reds come back chances. 

The Reds did not give up and scored again in the 7th on 3 straight singles before Keppy threw a 1-2 count fast ball past the swinging batter for strikeout #10 and then Cookie’s great ‘Play of the Day’ catch to end the inning. 

The Buzzards took no mercy and scored 2 more runs in the bottom of the 7th.  CD led off with a walk, followed by a double by Bake, and both of them scored on a hit by the Baron.  Solid pitching and good ‘D’ limited the Reds to 3 runs on their 10 hits.  Final score Buzzards 12 – Reds 3. 

It can get a little boring sometimes playing defense when Keppy’s pitching, but it is nice to play with a selfish pitcher like Kep, who makes so many outs.  No Buzzard was seen complaining, as Lefty struck out 12 and fielded his position like a vacuum. 

The two hit club this week includes Bake, Woody, Baron, and the 51-year young Kelley.  The multi-walker group of seeing eye Buzzards includes Cookie and Wuky with 2 walks and Brooklyn with 3.  The coaches were working the bunt signs and the Buzzards had 3 sacrifice bunts this game.  The Buzzards wore through 5 Reds pitchers with 11 hits and 10 walks.   

Another solid game and nice win against last year’s champs.  The Buzzards have shown they can win on the road and on tough – and hard to find – baseball fields.  The Mom’s Day break will allow the Ol’ Buzzards to heal some of the scrapes, strains, sprains and bruises accumulated so far.  We are due for a real home game or games soon, aren’t we?  Maybe next time.  Most Buzzards were able to hang around afterwards, talk about the game and review the stats over ice-cold beers and some munchies.  Great day to be an  Ol’ Buzzard. 

Media Note: Even though the Gold Country Buzzards are 6 – 0 and lead the American League, the 2nd place Valley Dogs are a half step behind at 6 – 1.   


Gold Country Ol’ Buzzards Game Report #7

May 18, 2008 – 1st game  

Buzzards Swat Sultans 9 to 1

 A warm day at Colfax High School Varsity Field (91-degrees) was the scene of double-header NABA action between the American League leading Gold Country Buzzards and the cellar dwelling Sultans from the National League.  FYI – it was 102-degrees in Citrus Heights.  The Sultans brought plenty of pitchers - ‘cause they needed ‘em - as the Buzzards had their way with the Sultans most of the day.  The Buzzards used two pitchers – one in each game – to stifle the Sultans and improve the season record to 8 - 0. 

The first game started, on a nicely groomed baseball field, with Dave ‘Keppy’ Kephart on the mound and the Buzzards ready for the first of two games.  The Sultans opened the game with a hit that floated into short left field, the runner stole 2nd base and scored a batter later on a single by former Buzzard, Larry ‘Chief’ Rehberg.  The Sultans took a quick 1 – 0 lead.  As it turned out, that was the only Sultan run in the 9-inning game. 

The Buzzards came right back with 2 runs in their half of the 1st inning to take back the lead.  Dennis ‘DV’ Viegas started it with a double, then Keppy walked with Dan ‘Wuky’ Wukmir running for the pitcher, Kep.  With Mike ‘Bake’ Baker at the plate, Wuky missed the sign for the double steal and watched as DV stole 3rd (that’s a fine for missing an obvious sign especially with DV on the base paths).  Wuky was able to steal 2nd before Bake and the umpire disagreed on the strike zone and Bake took a ‘not so quite’ seat in the dugout for out number two.  Bob ‘Woody’ Wooden then drove a 1-0 pitch for a double scoring the first 2 Buzzard runs. 

The Buzzards displayed good offense by scoring in each of the first 4 innings.  In the 2nd, Dave “mmMumbles’ Kelley led off with a single and scored on a long double by Mark ‘Ski’ Wronski for a 3-1 lead.  DV started the 3rd inning with a hit and another steal before scoring on a double by Keppy.  Bake singled in the second run and was still catching his breath at 1st base when Woody hit the first pitch for a long double sending Bake to 3rd.  While Mike was still trying to catch his breath, Pete ‘Baron’ Von Zboray hit the first pitch to left field for a sacrifice fly, but requiring Bake to tag up and race the throw home.  Bake beat the throw home but he needed oxygen (or was that a cigar) and his special chair in the dugout immediately afterwards.  At the end of 3 innings, the score was 6-1. 

Meanwhile, the Sultans had a hard time getting solid wood on Keppy’s pitches thru the first half of the game.  In impressive style, Lefty mowed down the Sultans during the next 4 innings - facing only 13 batters.  The 12 outs were 7 strikeouts and 5 infield ground balls.  In the game the Sultans only got 5 hits and 3 walks as Keppy threw well in the hot afternoon sun using 111 pitches (72 strikes & 39 balls) in facing 34 batters and striking out 14. 

 The Buzzards scored their last 3 runs of the game in the 4th inning.  Barry ‘Brooklyn’ Forman started it off with a line drive single to right field.  Steve ‘Cookie’ Cook sacrifice bunted to advance Barry (those Buzzard coaches love to signal the bunt sign or is that a scratch on their arm?).  With 2 outs Wuky then walked on 7 pitches and stole 2nd before DV drove a 2-1 fastball to the fence for a triple scoring both runners.  Dennis scored on a wild throw to make the score 9-1 at the end of the 4th. 

That was a terrific start, however, the Buzzard bats went to sleep for the 2nd half of the game.  The Buzzards collected just 2 singles and were given 6 walks, but could not put those together for more runs.  However, the way Keppy was pitching and the defense was playing, it looked good for the Buzzards circling above. 

The Sultans played pretty good defense as well, and it showed in the 5th when the catcher, Larry ‘#2’ Rehberg made a nice basket catch chasing down Baron’s foul pop-up down the 3rd base line.  Kelley batted next and hit a hard line drive to right-center field – it was looking like a run scoring hit, maybe a gapper - but the right fielder running hard made a fabulous catch of the sinking liner on his knees.  A determined Kelley on his next at-bat, out hustled a throw from the shortstop for his 2nd hit of the game. 

The Sultans started to get on base in the 2nd half of the game, but good defensive plays and timely K’s held them to no runs.  Notable defensive plays include Cookie’s leaping catch of a line drive to end the 6th with 2 runners on the move.  The 7th ended on a nice Ski to Cookie to Bake double play (5-4-3).  The running catch and spin move by Cookie with a quick release and blind, rainbow throw to 1st to get the runner was awarded ‘Play of the Day’ plus 8 style points by the Russian judge.  A pretty good spin move in cleats, what could he do in dance shoes and tights?  The 8th inning saw Wuky range into 2nd base territory (scorekeeper noted hogged) and fielded the bouncer behind but near 2nd base and then slid into the bag to beat the sliding runner by a good 3 or 4 nano-seconds. 

Other notable and ironic plays: After leading off the 6th with a base on balls, a slimed down Bob ‘Skipper’ Whitacre used the old delayed steal ploy to surprise the Sultans and everyone else and hustle into 2nd base standing up.  The irony part is that Skipper is the manager often signaling for the bunt to the rest of us, when all along we really should have been advancing runners via the surprise delayed steal, like he does.  Watch for the new delayed steal sign coming soon. 

Another excellent pitching effort by Keppy, some good ‘D’ and 9 runs was the recipe for win number 7.  The multi-hit club included Kelley with two, and DV and Woody with three hits.  The Buzzards could only enjoy the victory for a short time, as they now had to get ready for the second game of the double-header.  Final score: Buzzards 9 Sultans 1.    Gold


Country Ol’ Buzzards Game Report #8

May 18, 2008 – 2nd game 

Buzzards Defeat Sultans 15 to 7

 The day got warmer as the second game began with the Buzzards sending Gregg ‘Surf Dawg’ Novotny to the mound.  The Buzzards batting first scored 3 runs to put early pressure on the Sultans.  Facing a hard throwing lefty, Dan ‘Wuky’ Wukmir started it off with an infield single, but was thrown-out by former Buzzard, Larry ‘Rainbow Throw’ Rehberg, at 2nd base.  A cruel combination of a slow start, fast - fastball, and Larry throwing a rainbow strike to 2nd base made for an embarrassing first out of the game.  Being a good Buzzard, Dennis ‘DV’ Viegas picked ‘em up with a single and stolen base before scoring on Dave ‘Keppy’ Kephart’s hit to left.  Bob ‘Woody’ Wooden then drove a 1-0 fastball over the center field fence for a 2-run home run.  A big hit and the first Buzzard homer of the season.  The 1st inning ended with the Buzzards up 3-0. 

In the 2nd inning the Buzzards scored 5 runs and were poised for an early knock-out punch, but it was reported that too much sun affected Bake (runner) and Cookie (base coach) and they lost track of the number of outs.  So, when Woody hit a high pop-up to the shortstop, there was Bake running like there were two outs instead of one, and was easily doubled-up to end the inning.  The inning was a long one, but you can’t start forgetting the number of outs until you’re in the over 68 league, so that’ll be one fine each for blowin’ it.  The 5 runs came on walks to Mark ‘Ski’ Wronski, Bob ‘Skipper’ Whitacre and Keppy, and hits by Cookie (great bunt), double by DV and single by Bake, which led to the ‘got sun?’ double play. 

The Buzzards kept scoring in the 3rd with a single by Pete ‘Baron’ Von Zboray, a walk to Dave ‘mmMumbles’ Kelley and then a two run single by Bob ‘Skipper’ Whitacre for a 10-2 lead.  The next batter, Cookie, was hit by a 0-1 pitch and then stole 2nd base before the inning ended.  Cookie is the team leader in hit-by-pitch with two this season. 

10 Buzzards went to the plate in the 4th inning.  Four runs scored on walks by Baron, mmMumbles, Ski and Skipper and hits by Woody and Cookie.  The last run scored in the 5th on a walk to Wuky and a double by DV to drive in run 15. 

Surf Dawg pitched a solid game against the Sultans.  He threw 93 pitches (54 strikes & 39 balls) on a hot afternoon in Colfax.  Gregg struck out 2 and walked 2 while facing 27 batters.  The outfield was bored with only 3 fly ball outs.  The rest were ground balls with two double plays during the game – 2nd inning: Wuky to Cookie to Bake, and in the 5th inning: Wuky to Cookie to Skipper.  The Buzzard defense did have 4 errors and played like they were hot and tired much of the second game.  Three of those errors were bad throws by infielders.  All but one of the errors led to runs.  Thankfully, 15 runs will easily cover some sloppy play and the Buzzards completed a double-header sweep of the Sultans.  Final score Buzzards 15 Sultans 7. Media Note: Those Ol’ Buzzards are now 8 and 0, but will have a tough test against the Valley Dogs on their home turf for the next game on June 1. 

Sad Note: Our fabulous Skipper, Bob Whitacre, has decided to accept his company’s transfer to Olympia, Washington over the Buzzards’ offer to continue to manage for fun and beer.  Bob may make one more game.  But we will surely miss him, his big bat, his persuasive powers and his game management every Sunday.  We wish him and his wonderful family the best in their new adventure in Washington. 

Media Note #2: There is an opening for a manager for an undefeated baseball team located in the Gold Country of northern California.  Good players and great guys with cute girl friends and wives, inquire within.   


Gold Country Ol’ Buzzards Game Report #9

June 1, 2008 

Valley Dogs Fall To Buzzards 10 to 3

 On a beautiful (81-degrees) Sunday afternoon in Sacramento, the showdown between the #1 Buzzards and the #2 Valley Dogs took place at McAuliffe Field.  The anxious Dogs arrived early for drills and meetings in preparation for this important league game.  With their second loss of the season - last game versus the Dragons – the Dogs really wanted to beat the Buzzards and tighten up the league standings.  Prior to the game, the Buzzards were 8-0 and the Valley Dogs were 6-2. 

It was a treat to play the game on the nicely groomed and maintained fields at McAuliffe.  Thanks Dennis.  The setting was terrific, the weather was ideal, the stands contained the usual wives and girl friends plus parents (DV), in-laws & relatives (Wuky) to make the day even better.  If it weren’t for the optically challenged umpires, it would have been a perfect set-up for a big NABA American League contest. 

In the 1st inning, it appeared the umpires were trying to ‘out do’ each other with terrible calls.  Either it was consistently bad calls with a shifting strike zone from behind the plate, or the base umpire’s calls stunk because he was anticipating the call rather than watching the play - then making the call.  The base ump’s calls did seem to get better as the game went on, but that may have been because we liked the calls.  The home plate umpire’s calls did not get any better, but at least they were consistently bad for both teams. It was tough batting in the last couple of innings as the strike zone grew and the setting sun was in your eyes from left field.  The erratic calls did not bother the Buzzards as we played good defense plus hit the ball well and scored in 6 of the 8 innings. 

As the visiting team, the Buzzards batted first and scored two runs even after two bad calls at 1st base.  Dave ‘Keppy’ Kephart started the 2-out rally with a double to left-center on the 9th pitch of the at-bat - including 3 foul balls after 2 strikes.  Mike ‘Bake’ Baker, missing the ‘take sign’ from the coach and swinging on 3-0, hit a ‘dying quail’ off the end of his bat to left field for a single scoring Keppy for the game’s first run.  The base hit saved Bake’s butt from being fined.  Bob ‘Woody’ Wooden singled and moved Bake into scoring position.  Mike scored the 2nd run on an infield hit by Dave ‘mmMumbles’ Kelley for a nice 2-runs with 2-outs 1st inning, and to show the Valley Dogs this was going to be a battle from start to finish. 

To pitch against the Valley Dogs, the Buzzards sent Gregg ‘Surf Dawg’ Novotny to the mound with a record of 3-0 and an ERA of 1.80.  Surf Dawg pitched a solid 3 innings in beating the Dogs, but in the bottom of the 1st the Valley Dogs came out swinging with three consecutive hits and tied the score quickly at 2-2 after the third Dog had batted.  When the fourth batter hit a sacrifice fly to left, the Valley Dogs took the lead at 3 to 2.  The next two batters singled and walked (only walk of the game by a Buzzard pitcher), so by the time batter #7 (Dogs’ DH) stepped to the plate, the Valley Dogs had it ‘going on’ early with 3 runs scored, only 1 out and 2 runners on base.

Looking for some ‘D’ right about now, the infield came through and handled the next two tough plays well, and ended a long 1st inning.  Woody gloved the 2nd out by stretching out for the slowing roller up the 3rd base line with one foot on the bag.  Thankfully Woody was just tall enough to get the ball before the runner slid into 3rd.  The 3rd out was recorded by a great hustle play by Steve ‘Cookie’ Cook.  With runners at 1st and 2nd and Dan ‘Wuky’ Wukmir playing a deep shortstop, a little blooper hit the infield grass just in front of a charging Wuky, then the ball ticked off and under his glove before it was grabbed by Cookie racing over from 2nd base to back up the play.  Cookie then threw a strike to Dennis ‘DV’ Viegas at home to nail the runner and end the long inning.  Wow, Surf Dawg threw 35 pitches while the Dogs’ pitcher threw 34 in that 45-minute 1st inning.  Gregg used just 15 pitches to complete the next two innings.  The score after one inning was the amped up Valley Dogs 3 and the Ol’ Buzzards 2.  The Valley Dogs would never score again.  Tough pitching and good defense – works every time. 

In the 2nd inning, the Buzzards tied the game with a walk to Bob ‘Skipper’ Whitacre, a single by Cookie and a sacrifice by Wuky.  In the 3rd Keppy singled to right field, DV running for Kep advanced via a stolen base and scored on a line drive single to left by Woody to take back the lead at 4 to 3.  The Buzzards scored 3 runs in the 4th inning, started with a single up the middle by Barry ‘Brooklyn’ Forman, a steal of 2nd base, then Barry scored on a Wuky single to right field.  Wuky then stole 2nd and advanced to 3rd on a pass ball.  DV hit a grounder to the 3rd baseman, who was distracted by Wuky hopping up and down the base line, which allowed DV to get to 1st base.  DV stole 2nd the pitch before Keppy doubled to center field scoring Wuky and DV.  The score after four was Ol’ Buzzards 7 and the not so perky looking Valley Dogs 3. 

The Buzzards scored for the 5th consecutive inning.  This time Kelley started it off by getting hit in the head by a 1-2 count fastball, and then Dave rambled down to 1st base with no apparent additional mental bruises.  DK stole 2nd base for some pay back, but he didn’t score until he was forced in by a bases loaded walk to Cookie.  Skipper singled and Barry also walked before Cookie’s RBI.  Surf Dawg then walked on a full count and pushed in run #9.  The 10th run scored in the 8th inning when Wuky scored from 1st base on a triple by DV. 

The Valley Dogs did get 6 more hits after the 1st inning, but never really threatened and only got 3 runners to 2nd base the remainder of the game.  The next 21 outs were 4 strikeouts and 17 infield outs.  To show how baseball can be sometimes, the 1st defensive out of the game was that hard to get 1st out (sac fly to Barry in left field) that scored the 3rd run of the game for the Dogs.  That was the only fly ball out for the Buzzards and the last run the Valley Dogs would score. 

Buzzard pitchers were excellent again as Surf Dawg threw 3 innings and Woody threw 5 to complete the game.  Woody so befuddled the Valley Dogs with the curve ball he was throwing for strikes and his fastball that he mowed down the 20 batters he faced with 65 pitches in making the final 15 outs.  A not so well kept secret of the Buzzard’s success this season has been the excellent pitching.  Check out the pitching stats on the Buzzard web site – team ERA is 2.44. 

Another good game.  The Buzzards scored 10 runs on 13 hits with 6 walks.  The multi hit group this week included DV and Woody getting 2 hits and hot hitting Keppy with 2 doubles and a single.  The team is batting a robust .395 and has scored 94 total runs in the first 9 games of this season.   

Buzzard Note #1: According to Skipper’s press agent this coming game will be his last week before he moves to Olympia, Washington.  Skipper probably has to leave after the first game, but there will be beers and munchies after the double-header. 

Buzzard Note #2: It was sad to hear that Gary ‘Duke’ Hayworth’s shoulder will keep him from playing this season.  It is a double loss, because Duke is such a great spirited guy to have on a team, plus he was batting a stratospheric .714 and leading the team in most offensive categories when his shoulder cut short the season.  Ouch! 

Buzzard Note #3: The Buzzards are adding a young kid to the team.  Gary Lichtenberger is joining the team starting with the upcoming double-header against the Free Agents.  Gary turns 48 later this season so he qualifies to play with the Ol’ Buzzards.  Gary is an outstanding player and we are excited about him joining the team, especially with the losses of Skipper and Duke and with Jim Wagner and Ray Henry still on the DL.       


Gold Country Ol’ Buzzards Game Report #10

June 8, 2008 – 1st game 

Buzzards Lay Egg – Free Agents Win 11 to 3

 As the undefeated team, the Buzzards had a growing bulls-eye every week since the season began in March, and every week the opponent would bring their best and fall short.  By averaging 10 runs a game with solid defense and good pitching, the Buzzards prevailed in the first 9 games.  However, on a warm (mid-90s degree) afternoon at McAuliffe Field in Sacramento, the beefed-up Free Agents gun downed the Ol’ Buzzards  in the first game of the doubleheader.  The Buzzards were short-handed (only 9 players available) during the 3-hour first game, and the ol’ birds played a little flat yet still could have pulled it off except for one bad inning. 

The Free Agents batted first and scored 3 runs on a lead-off single (0-2 count), an E-6 on a high hopper up the middle on the infield grass (0-2 count), followed by a deep-deep double to center field and a single to left field (1-2 count).  Most batters were in the hole against Dave ‘Keppy’ Kephart all day like the first inning, but were able to put the ball in play and often just out of reach of a Buzzard glove. 

The Buzzards wasted Dennis ‘DV’ Viegas’ triple in the 1st inning and did not score until the 3rd.  Pete ‘Baron’ Von Zboray started the inning with a sharp double to center field.  One out later, Dan ‘Wuky’ Wukmir knocked in the first Buzzard run with a hit to right.  DV singled to left scoring Wuky from 2nd base.  DV then stole 2nd and advanced to 3rd when the ball bounced away from the covering shortstop.  An alert DV rounded 3rd base aggressively and ran home on the throw from the center fielder to the infield.  Good hustle play and smart running for the game tying 3rd run.  Even though the Buzzards threatened to score several more times during the game, that was the last run scored in the first game. 

Keppy followed DV’s run with a hit to right field.  Bob ‘Woody’ Wooden ran for Keppy and got to 3rd base on Greg ‘The Kid’ Lichtenberger’s first Buzzard hit.  Greg ‘Young’un’ Likesburgers hit a nice line drive down the 3rd base line, but looked in serious pain as he jogged down to 1st base.  How ironic, The Kid comes out of the game with an aggravation of an old serious back injury.  Greg did not play the rest of the game and looked doubtful to play until next week, after a good chiropractic treatment.  Gregg ‘Surf Dawg’ Novotny ran for Young’un and on a called play, broke for 2nd to draw the throw and score Woody from 3rd base.  However, F A  shortstop Mike Wilson cut off the throw and threw a strike to home to get a hard sliding Woody, who tore a big hole in his pants on the knee again.

The Buzzards had runners on base in 7 of the 9 innings and left runners in scoring position in 4 of those innings.  The Free Agents scored the go-ahead run in the 4th inning on a 2-out RBI double by Wilson that hit halfway up the left field fence.  The game was close at 4-3 until the 7th inning.  Keppy struck out the side in the 6th, but ended the inning throwing his 100th pitch.  The Buzzards went out quietly and too quickly in the bottom of the 6th on just 4 pitches, sending Keppy right back out to the mound.  The 101st pitch was a single by Wilson and the inning went down hill from there as 11 Free Agents came to the plate. 

The Buzzards got hits in the last 2 innings, but could not score making the final score Free Agents 11 and the Buzzards 3.  The line score was Buzzards 3 runs, 11 hits, 0 walks, 3 errors.  The Free Agents line score was 11 runs, 15 hits, 3 walks, 2 HBP, and 1 error.  Buzzard pitchers had not hit a batter all season until Keppy hit two.  One on the toe(?) in the 3rd on a full count (7 pitches) and in the 7th on a 0-2 count to load the bases.  Nice lean-in job by the batter on the off-speed curve ball to get on base.  The whole game seemed to go like that with Buzzard hard hits right at fielders and Free Agent bouncers just out of reach or taking a bad hop or fly balls caught in a wind gust and being chased by an outfielder, and not to mention the injury to Young’un.  Just a game you want to forget.  Thankfully, we would have that opportunity soon with the second game starting in 45 minutes. 

The multi-hit group included Keppy with 2 and DV and Baron with 3 hits.  Mr. Rubber Arm, Keppy, threw 165 pitches (110 strikes & 55 balls).  He had 10 strikeouts while facing 47 batters in the warm 3-hour game.  The Free Agents were pretty excited about beating the Buzzards.  Round 1 to the Free Agents.  Round 2 coming up. 

Buzzard Note #1: Special guests were in attendance for the big game.  DV’s folks came again and had front row seats to another impressive game by our catcher, but missed the second game due to the heat.  Wuky’s in-laws, who live nearby, were real troopers and watched both games.  But, covering their eyes a lot during the 7th inning of the first game. 

Buzzard Note #2: Cookie finished his soccer coach duties just in time to make the second game.  The Buzzards finished game one with 9 players.  Most Buzzards played every inning of both games.  Way to hang in there guys and make the Buzzard species proud.   



Gold Country Ol’ Buzzards Game Report #11

June 8, 2008 - 2nd game 

Buzzards’ Revenge Is Sweet – Free Agents Shut Out 10 to 0

 Right after the 1st game, there was good team dialog in the dugout to pick us up and get ready for an important 2nd game of the double-header.  We did not want to get swept by even the beefed-up Free Agents team.  After field preparation, a quick bite to eat and some of Kelley’s watermelon, the Buzzards gathered around DV for a séance with a little strategy and pep talk included, followed by a 1-2-3 Buzzards! 

In between games, before the séance, the team got a big break when a Buzzard angel came down and performed just enough of a miracle to loosen up Greg ‘Young’un’ Lichtenberger’s lower back just enough for him to pitch.  Now there were 11 Buzzards ready to take on those giddy Free Agents. 

The Buzzards batted first and in a line-up change, hot hitting Dennis ‘DV’ Viegas led off and walked.  After stealing 2nd base, DV scored the first Buzzard run on Dan ‘Wuky’ Wukmir’s double down the 3rd baseline.  Bob ‘Woody’ Wooden doubled down the same line on a 3-1 pitch scoring Wuky.  With one out, Pete ‘Baron’ Von Zboray reached 1st base by hustling hard on a grounder to the shortstop and making Wilson hurry his throw.  The throw went into the Buzzard dugout for an extra base, scoring Woody on the play.  Baron scored on Dave ‘mmMumbles’ Kelley’s single to right field.  DK showing off his almost healthy legs then stole 2nd and scored on Mark ‘Ski’ Wronski’s line drive double to right center.  The inning ended with Buzzards on 2nd and 3rd, but scoring 5 runs was a good start to the game. 

Throwing his first game for the Buzzards, Young’un was just settling in and faced 4 batters in getting 3 fly ball outs in the 1st inning.  The first batter was an out to Baron in right field and the other 2 outs went to Dave ‘Keppy’ Kephart playing center field.  The last out was a nice running catch by Keppy of a ball over his head on a long drive by Free Agent Mike Wilson.  The 2nd batter got on base via a short fly to right that Baron charged and dove for and smacked the right side of his face hard on the field.  He got up woozy and slowly and took a few moments with Cookie, checking to see how many marbles shook loose, before heading back to the outfield.  The first 3 outs were the only fly ball outs of the game. 

After walking the lead off batter in the 2nd inning, Young’un efficiently cut down the next 9 Free Agents in a row.  The next 9 outs were: 3 strikeouts and 6 ground balls.3 grounders to Wuky at shortstop, 2 to Cookie at 2nd base and 1 hot comebacker from Wilson that put Greg on his butt in knocking down the ball with his bare hand – what are you crazy.  Young’un still had to get back up and grab the ball - bad back and all - and get the runner.  As it turned out, Greg did get the ball and then had time to walk a few steps towards 1st base before tossing the ball to Woody.  Big baby Mikey Wilson was still standing in the batter’s box crying in disbelief about his broken, expensive bat.  Nice pitch Young’un. 

The Buzzards scored 2 more runs in the 3rd on a lead off single by Mark ‘Ski’ Wronski.  Dave ‘Crazy Legs’ Kelley running for Ski stole 2nd again and then moved to 3rd on Barry ‘Brooklyn’ Forman’s grounder to the right side.  DK then scored on Steve ‘Cookie’ Cook’s deep grounder to the 2nd baseman.  With 2 outs and nobody on base, DV singled to left and stole 2nd on a straight steal, then stole 3rd base on the catcher’s throw behind him to the 2nd baseman while DV ran to 3rd for a stand-up steal.  Wuky knocked in DV on an infield hit to take a 7-0 lead. 

The Buzzards scored 3 more runs in the 5th inning.  After 2 outs Cookie singled to left and DV was hit by a 1-0 pitch.  DV rambled to 1st not rubbing the new bruise.  Both runners advanced on a wild pitch and both scored on Wuky’s single to right field.  With the 10-run rule in sight, Wuky stole 2nd then ran to 3rd when the ball skipped off the glove of shortstop Wilson.  Wuky aggressively rounded 3rd and alertly ran home when the outfielder threw the ball to the infield.  This was a nice copy of the same play DV pulled-off for the last run of the previous game.  If the Buzzards could hold the shutout for 3 more outs, the game would end on the mercy 10-run rule.  It was hot and cold beer was waiting, so the Buzzards had plenty of extra incentive in putting the Free Agents out of their misery right now. 

After giving up the 2nd hit of the game, Greg got the last 3 batters out on a grounder to Cookie at 2nd, a foul tip catch strikeout – nice catch DV, and a pop-up to Wuky at shortstop to end the game.  Terrific pitching in shutting out a tough Free Agent team.  The Kid threw 56 pitches (40 strikes & 16 balls) with 3 strikeouts in facing 18 Free Agents in getting the 15 outs.  Excellent game and with a sore back.  Wow.  Welcome to the team.  After a trip or two to the chiropractor, it’s likely his back will be better.  Can’t wait. 

A big win especially after the earlier loss.  The Buzzards looked good on ‘D’ and got 10 hits with 2 walks in scoring the 10 runs.  The multi-hit club for this game was apparently for W’s only: Woody, Wronsky and Wuky each had 2 hits.  The line score was Buzzards 10 runs, 10 hits, 2 walks, 1 HBP, and 0 errors.  Free Agents line score was 0 runs, 2 hits, 1 walk, and 3 errors. 

Buzzard Note #1: The Father’s Day game is scheduled for 2 pm at McAuliffe.  Some Dads have to run home after the game, but we will still have something cold to drink with munchies in the shade afterwards.  How ‘bout we kick the Astros’ butt early and often, and end the game quickly so most can have at least one ‘cold one’ before heading back. 

Buzzard Note #2: The Gold Country Buzzards lead the NABA American League by 3 games.  The 2nd place Valley Dogs are 7-4.  The California Patriots lead the National League with a record of 7-3.  We are scheduled to play the Patriots in a double-header on June 29 probably at Lee Field in Woodland.  Mark those calendars.     




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