

Payment for June 2006

Posted by Jon Morinishi on Jul 05 2006 at 05:00PM PDT
Hi Everyone, Please be sure to write a check to Jon or Wendy as soon as possible for our June 2006 practice fees. The total fees were $525 divided equally with our 10 families so it came out to $52.50 each. We have received the Ishino's check already. We need to pay Mariners on a timely basis so we can continue to use their facility. We will have less practices in July due to the Jets Tournament and even less in August due to the Dodgers and Bruins tournaments. We will be taking a couple of weeks off after the Bruins Tournament before starting to practice for our VFW Tournament in October. Once we start the SEYO season we will resume practices on Saturday which are provided by the VFW organization so these practices will be included in your SEYO fees. We will discuss the possibility of a second practice day when we get a little closer. We will continue to look for different ways of improving our team in the next few months. Keep checking the website on a regular basis. We are nearing 4,000 free throws, check out the stats section for our overall percentage. We need to get that number up in the next 30 days. Thank you again, Mark


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