

What to eat before a cross country race? Read this!

Posted by Mike Davis on Sep 07 2006 at 05:00PM PDT

Runners.  Need ideas on what to eat before the race?  And when?  Read the attached.    Please understand that you might need to customize this to fit your own body.  The key thing is:
1.  You must put glycogen (carbs) into your system before you race.  You can't race in the morning - after sleeping all night - without eating.
2.  What you eat the night before, or even 2 days before the race, is really critical.
3.  You will learn what digests easily for you.  You might learn the hard way (bonking from not enough energy, or getting a side ache or an upset stomach from eating too close to the race).  You'll figure it out though.

There are great suggestions in this handout.

Coach Davis


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