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Reminder to Parents about $50.00, pictures, dinner & cookie sign-ups

Posted by Tracie Giarmo on Aug 13 2006 at 05:00PM PDT


     The Varsity captains' parents had a meeting on 8/14/06.  We calculated the projected needs of the team this year (Gatorade after games, hotdog roast, pizza party for parents after Parents' Night, and coaches' end-of-the-year gifts).  Because we have fewer players this year, we will need to collect $50.00 from each player (instead of $40.00) at the Hotdog Roast this Saturday, August 19th.  We apologize for the change and hope everyone will understand.

Remember to have your completed picture form, w/money inside of it, if you plan on purchasing pictures.  All players will be in the team photo.  Individual photos are for your purchase only.

Please be sure to see Cheryl Marino for the DINNER SIGN-UP and COOKIE SIGN-UP.  All parents are asked to participate in these activities!!

Varsity Sports has been informed of jersey numbers for your sons.

Thank you so much for your cooperation!!


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