

CRC finale

Posted by Mike Soto on Jul 14 2012 at 05:00PM PDT

The Meridians meet the best assembled team they've seen this summer in the CRC DH finale, mustering only 3 hits on the afternoon.   Our boys on the bump did well though with Mears tallying 9 K's in his complete game effort, Reese holding their sticks to 1 run through 5 in Game 2 and Bolia getting recruited for postseason play with the Cincinnati Chiefs.   Finals: 0-6, 0-3

Couture, Scheffel and Love with our scarce knocks and good defense all day behind the Meridians arms, specifically Couture running down many a fly ball and Averwater behind the dish blocking and assisting in the 5-2-3 double play in Game 2 started by Riggan.   Great attempts by our rotating shortstops/pitchers with Bolia deep in the hole and Reese up the middle in the Hille beachfront.


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