Friday Update
Posted by David Kask on
Jan 13 2005
04:00PM PST
The team dinner scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. The rules are if there is no school there can be no after school activities. Boo Hoo. We will be having a team dinner next Thursday, the day before the Marshall Sprints. Sign up for the Marshall Sprints by Monday and the Mt. Itasca race by Tuesday. We don't have many details on the Mt. Itasca race except that it will start sometime after noon and be a 5km race freestyle race for Varsity/JV. Hopefully JH will be shorter. I'll let you know what's up when I here it. Sign up sheets will be at Snowflake on Monday. If you can't make it to Snowflake for some reason send us an e-mail or call to let us know you want to enter.
Get out skiing if you can. Dress warm and cover as much of your skin as you can. This is when a baklava comes in handy.
See you all Monday.
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