The Week of February 13
Posted by David Kask on
Feb 12 2005
04:00PM PST
Lots of things going on this week.
Monday we are hosting the Junior Varsity Championships at Snowflake. It should be a fun race with 6 school and about 90 skiers so far.
Tuesday, we will be filming skating for the UMD study. Wear your ski suits so you look marvelous.
Wednesday, replies for the Awards Night Banquet are due (see below.)
Thursday is the Charlie Banks Relay at Giants Ridge and the State Meet Banquet at the Days Inn in Eveleth.
Friday is the State Meet at Giants Ridge. If you can come up and cheer your team on.
In the weeks ahead I will keep updating this site with information on local ski races and other goings on. I will also continue to add pictures taken during the season to the web site.
For information on all that is happening in the Nordic ski world in the midwest check out the web site There are alot of pictures taken at races we have been to on this site too.
Keep your skis moving and we will see you at Snowflake.
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