News and Announcements

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Arrrrroooooo!  Those Mud Dawgs were fierce today in their 14-7 victory over the Patriots.  Hot bats, outstanding pitching, and some doggone good fielding got us off to an excellent start.  Way to go boys!  Who let the dawgs out.... who... who... who... who!
Arrrrooooooo!!!  We finally get to play!  We'll see you Saturday morning at 8 am to warm up for our 8:30 game against the Patriots on Kenneally Field.  There will be hot coffee and zuchhini muffins for the Mud Dawgs Fans in the stands so be there or.... be a cat!

As far as we know, only Augie and A.J. will be out of town for a few days during spring break so we'll have just enough players for all 3 games (weather permitting).  If your plans change please let Jeff know ASAP so we can try to  reschedule the game instead of taking a forfeit.  

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Rats... another rainout!

Posted by Tanya Sullivan at Mar 23, 2005 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
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PICTURE DAY - Sunday April 3rd at noon

Posted by Tanya Sullivan at Mar 18, 2005 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Picture Day is Sunday, April 3rd.  Please have your son in uniform at Major Field at noon so we can be sure everyone is looking spiffy and has their paperwork filled out.  Packets were handed out at practice last week. It's a good idea to fill out the order forms and think about buddy pictures they'd like to have taken ahead of time. 
