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2013 week 6

Posted by Jerry Randolph at Sep 28, 2013 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Week 6 for the Vikings is disappointing

  The Vikings began their week hosting the Springboro Panthers. The starting 11 was Roark in goal, Siroki, Cardenas, Zech, Schacherer, and Bussard on defense, Eshbaugh, Affini, Schenck, and Brundage, at midfield, Alsalhi as the lone striker. This was the 3rd   GWOC South league game for both teams and both needed a win. The game began at a quick pace with the Vikings using their quick passing to put a lot of pressure on the Panthers defense. The Vikings defense was having no trouble with the Panthers counter attack and able to pass their way out of their own defensive third several times. Coach Randolph had a game plan to play a double sweeper to slow down the Panthers passing game but the pressure they gave us was something he felt we could handle with our regular formation so a switch was made back to our regular set. The game was very back and forth with both teams getting shots off. The Vikings seemed to have more of the possession but Springboro would not let them score in the first half. Score at halftime was 0-0 with both teams feeling good. Roark had 5 saves in the first have and the Panther keeper had 9. The 2nd half was different Springboro made the defensive adjustments necessary to slow down the Viking attack. The possession became more equal but the Panthers shots were more accurate. Roark had 9 saves in the second half and kept a shutout. The Vikings only got 4 shots on goal in the 2nd half and none went in. Final score 0-0. Good games were had by Roark, Zech, Siroki, Eshbaugh, Affini, Brundage, and Alsalhi.


   The 2nd game of the week had the Vikings hosting the Chaminade Julienne Eagles. The starting 11 was Roark in goal, Siroki, Zech, Schacherer, and Bussard on defense, Eshbaugh, Affini, Schenck, and Cardenas at the midfield, Teaney and Alsalhi up top. The game began with the Vikings dominating possession. Their quick passing game made the Eagles chase the ball all over the field. About midway through the first half the game settled into a long ball game with both teams thinking they could counter attack quickly and out run the defenses. Several good opportunities were had by both teams but none found the net. Roark had 5 saves in the first half to 8 by the CJ keeper. Coach Randolph urged his team to get back to their game and use their quick passes to gain quality opportunities. He felt they had a lot of great play on the outside with Schenck and he had provided the chances with no one crashing the net. He also felt our man marking was very bad when tracking back into our own half. The 2nd half began and the Eagles got on the board just 8 minutes in with a nice shot from a counter attack that found the Viking defender Hustling to catch a faster player. The Vikings never quit and picked up the pace of play but CJ matched their intensity for most of the 2nd half. The Vikings pushed hard and had many chances to tie the game but none would fall. Game ended 1-0 CJ.   Good games by Roark, Siroki, Bussard, Schacherer, Schenck, Cardenas, Affini, McCoy, Alsalhi.


    The JV team has been playing very well as of late. The skill of each player is growing. Their record is 3-9-0

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2013 week 5

Posted by Jerry Randolph at Sep 21, 2013 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Week 5 for the Vikings was a disappointment.


  The Vikings traveled to Fairborn for their second league game and only game this week.  The starting eleven was Roark in goal, Siroki, Zech, Bussard, and Schacherer in defense Eshbaugh, Affini, Schenck, and Cardenas, at midfield Alsalhi, and Teaney up top. The field was a sloppy one and a little rough at one end so the game was set to be played slow. The Vikings got off to a good start playing their quick passing and possession game. They found out right away that keeping the play to the outside was the best for them. They had several shots on goal but all from distance and none really dangerous in the early part of the first half. The best chance was stopped at midfield when Alsalhi was set to break free and be one on one with the firebird keeper. The Defender took Alsalhi’s jersey in hand and held him up giving the jersey a rip. Coach Randolph asked the Referee for a card thinking it was the last defender but the Ref saw it differently.  The center referee seemed to have an attitude towards the Viking coach’s after a discussion in the JV game and stopped play to give instructions. The coach’s did as asked and agreed to discuss further at halftime. With just 2:26 left in the half Eshbaugh collected the ball from Schenck and blasted a shot past the keeper for a 1-0 lead. Then just 20 seconds later Eshbaugh did it again receiving the ball from Cardenas for a 2-0 lead. With the lead at halftime the Vikings felt very confident and their halftime discussion was mostly about getting a shutout. This did not last long after the second half began, just 1:05 into the half a shot got past Roark and a surprised Viking team had to regroup. Same as the first half the Firebirds used the momentum swing as the Vikings did in the first half to get more pressure on the Vikings. 40 seconds later an easy shot caught Roark of guard and rolled slowly past him into the goal to tie the game.  The Vikings finally gained their focus and began possessing the ball and attempting to get back what they had lost. Fairborn would not go away and had a few opportunities but the Vikings had most of the play. Coach Randolph continued to respectfully question the center Referees calls or lack of and earned a yellow card. He later apologized to his team for having too much focus on the Ref and not enough on his players.   Schacherer took a long range shot and hit the crossbar denying the winning goal. Late in the half Alsalhi earned a penalty kick and stepped up with confidence. The Fairborn keeper guessed the direction correctly and made a great diving save to keep the score tied.  The game ended 2-2 and the Vikings were disappointed in the outcome. This left both teams with a 1-0-1 league record and the only 2 without a loss at this stage. Good games were had by Eshbaugh, Schenck, Cardenas, Alsalhi, Affini, Siroki, Zech, Bussard, and Schacherer.



   The JV won their game 1-0 their record is 3-7-0

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2013 week 4

Posted by Jerry Randolph at Sep 13, 2013 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Week 4 for the Vikings had its highs and lows.


  The first game of the week was at home against Xenia the defending GWOC south champions. Both teams were in a must win game for the league title chances in their first league game of the season. Coach Randolph had a game plan to shut down their best player (player of the year as a junior in GWOC south last season) of man marking him where ever he went on the field with one our top defenders Carl Cardenas. The starting 11 was Roark in goal, Siroki, Zech, Schacherer, and Bussard on defense, Affini, Eshbaugh, Schenck, and Teaney in the midfield, Alsalhi as the lone forward, Cardenas in man marking. The game began at a fast pace with both teams trying to keep possession and not give up anything early. Cardenas had his hands full with the bigger player and at one point got a twisted ankle. The Vikings adjusted well moving Bussard into the role of man marker. Cardenas did return and was effective at his role. The Vikings brought in a new player this season in a German exchange student Constantin Wunderlin. With 29 minutes to play in the first half Wunderlin collected a throw in and dribbled past 2 Xenia players and placed a great shot past their keeper for a 1-0 Viking lead. The lead did not last long just 3 minutes later the Xenia player proved to be as good as expected and got his first goal off of a nice cross beating the defenders to the ball with his size and quickness. With a 1-1 tie both teams tried to get the momentum with a furios pace. Xenia and their key player got their second goal with 10 to go in the half off a corner kick. The Vikings would not quit though just 3 minutes later Wunderlin attacked the defense and earned a penalty kick when taken down inside the 18. He finished easily to tie the game at half at 2-2. This game was so exciting to be a part of and watch. Coach Randolph encouraged his team to keep playing hard and passing with pace to each other’s feet. Keep possession as much as possible and take as many shots as possible. Roark had been busy in the goal with 9 saves in the half, Coach Randolph felt he needed to come get more balls in the air to minimize their crosses. The Buccaneer’s struck first in the second half off of another corner kick. 3-2 Xenia with 26 minutes to play. The Vikings attacked and played with a ton of heart on this night. Each player gave everything he had. Schenck collected a pass and beat the Xenia keeper to tie the game once again 3-3 with 15 minutes left.  Both teams felt an immediate urge to go for the win and the intensity picked up again. With 12 to go Bussard took a pass from Schacherer at 25 yards out and hit a long range shot to put the Vikings in the lead at 4-3. With the lead Coach Randolph instructed his players to have 2 men on their stud at all times now. The game ended 4-3 Vikings as a huge victory for them this season and a lot of happy player’s coaches and fans. Good games were had by all that played but I do not want to leave out those that did not. Their contributions at practice leading into this game were also a big factor in getting the victory.


   The second game of the week the Vikings traveled to Wayne. The Warriors had an all-time record over the Vikings of 9-0-1 but were having a tough season coming into the match. The Viking starting 11 was Roark in Goal, Siroki, Zech, Bussard, and Cardenas on defense, Eshbaugh, Schacherer, Schenck, and Brundage at midfield, Teaney and Alsalhi up top. The Vikings seemed to have the better play in the first half but couldn’t find the back of the net. Bussard hit the post off a great head ball from a Schenck corner kick and Teaney just missed a tap in on a great cross from Wunderlin. The Vikings had most of the possession but the Wayne defense held its own.  Coach Randolph told his team at half to keep up the pressure but play a quicker passing game. He felt the Vikings were playing to slow and giving them a chance to take away the ball when we dribble too much or hold onto the ball too long. Both teams were playing with composure and the ref seemed to have good control of the game. Coach Randolph felt confident his team would pick up their pace and make team history on this night. The Warriors began the second half with possession of their own and a renewed confidence after a 0-0 first half score. The Vikings just could not get the same pace and passion of play as earlier in the week and as the half continued the Warriors got more confident. The Warrior keeper had 11 saves in the first half but only 5 in the second as the Viking attacked slowed tremendously. Wayne earned a free kick 20 yards out and their senior captain placed a nice shot past Roark to take the lead 1-0. The Vikings pushed hard to tie the game up but Wayne’s defense held for a disappointing loss for the Vikings. Coach Randolph Stated “I felt we were the better team tonight even though we did not play close to our potential. Without Murrie Affini in the lineup it changes how we play. I will be glad to get our captain back for next week. “Good games were had by Bussard, Schenck, Zech, Roark, McCoy, Alsalhi, Eshbaugh, and Cardenas.


   The JV is gaining a lot of personal growth. Their team record isn’t great but our focus as a coaching staff is to develop these young men in positions they will play at the Varsity level. We believe these players are doing an excellent job learning new positions and the Viking style of play. Please keep encouraging them to work hard and not focus on their win loss columns.

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2013 Week 3

Posted by Jerry Randolph at Sep 7, 2013 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Week 3 is complete for the Vikings .


  The Vikings traveled to Trotwood for the first game of the week.  The starting 11 was Roark in goal, Siroki, Reeser, Bussard, and McCoy on defense, Affini, Schacherer, Garland, and Dales at midfield, Brundage and Teaney up top. The Vikings were feeling very confident against a struggling Rams team. The play started and the Vikings began their quick passing game to keep possession. The Rams had a few opportunities early while the away team got into the flow of the game slowly. Roark had 4 saves in the first half. The Vikings got on the board with 28 minutes to play in the half when Brundage took a pass from Schacherer and got a deflection on a good hard shot to beat the Rams keeper. The second goal came 12 minutes later with Brundage giving the pass to Alsalhi. The third goal in the first half came when Affini crossed the ball in and Cardenas caught it on a bounce and finished nicely. The second half saw a few lineup changes for Coach Randolph’s Vikings. Sophomore Spencer Maxwell got some time in the goal and Roark got some field time. Maxwell had 4 saves and played well in his Varsity debut. The play was much like the first half with the Vikings keeping most of the possession. Coach Randolph moved some players that normally play in defense to the forward position to get them a goal. Bussard responded taking a pass from Garland and getting his goal. The players were trying very hard to feed their Junior keeper passes to get him a goal. A free kick was earned within range for Roark and he stepped up to take it. The shot was blocked by the wall but bounced into the path of Zech who finished nicely for the final goal of the night. Good games were had by all. The JV did not play on this night.


  The second game of the week the Vikings traveled to Ross. The starting 11 was Roark in goal, Siroki, Zech, Bussard, and Shacherer on defense, Affini, Eshbaugh, Cardenas, and Brundage at midfield, Alsalhi and Teaney up top. The first half began and the Ross Rams showed they were ready to play early. They put a lot of pressure on the Viking defense but they wouldn’t break. Roark had 9 saves in the first half to keep the shutout hopes alive. The Vikings settled into their possession game and a good back and forth game started to show up. The first half ended 0-0 with both teams playing well and hoping to make the right adjustments at halftime. Coach Randolph instructed his players to pick up the pace of their ball movement and tighten up on man marking but overall felt they had played well. The second half began and the Rams wasted no time. Just 20 seconds in they took a low hard shot that knuckled its way toward Roark, as he set to grab the shot it took a deflection off of him and slowly rolled into the net.  The surprised Vikings regrouped quickly and encouraged each other to keep heads up and we would be fine. Their positive attitudes proved who they are once again when 8 minutes later a series of nice passes found cardenas down the right side and he placed a perfect pass to Alsalhi for a tap in goal to tie the game up. The rest of the game had many chances for both teams but none found the net.  Good games were had by , Bussard, Zech, Schacherer, Cardenas, Affini, Eshbaugh, Reeser, McCoy, Alsalhi, and Roark


 The JV lost 3-1 to Ross their record is 2-5-0

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2013 week 2

Posted by Jerry Randolph at Aug 30, 2013 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Week 2 is complete for the Vikings.

 The Vikings traveled to Fairmont to try and maintain their perfect record with a starting 11 of : Roark in goal , Zengel , Zech , Bussard , and Schacherer at defense , Affini , Eshbaugh , Schenck , And Cardenas at Midfield and Teaney and Alsalhi up top.  This was not the Vikings night right from the start. The Firebirds scored early and often against the Vikings. Coach Randolph stated “It seemed like every player on our team had an off night. Our passes were not crisp, our first touch was heavy, and our man marking was terrible. “The first half ended 5-0 Firebirds . Coach Randolph told his players at halftime that the real Vikings needed to show up the second half. He felt if we could somehow get our rhythm and play our game instead of chasing them around we had a chance to get back in the game eventually. The Vikings played a better 2nd half only giving up 1 more goal but they were never dangerous in this game. Bad night for each player against a very good Fairmont team. They made us pay for our mistakes like a good team should. An injury ended senior Patrick Zengels season. Patrick was last season’s top award winner with the coveted Viking award and the team will miss his tenacious play and great defensive leadership.

  The Vikings came home to play a very good Northmont team. In this game the Vikings seemed like themselves again. Passing the ball quickly and moving for each other. The Defense was doing very well and the offense was getting chances. Both teams seemed evenly matched and it looked like it would be a tight game right down to the end.  With just 10 minutes left in the first half the TBolts earned a free kick within the 18 yard box on a high foot call (Indirect). The Vikings held tight and attempted to clear the ball after the wall did its job. Unfortunately another high foot was called trying to clear it. The TBolts took advantage of the second call at basically the same spot and put themselves up 1-0. The half ended 1-0 Northmont. Coach Randolph told his players at halftime to remain focused and continue to play our game. “We needed to play the same way as the first half but with a quicker pace. Quicker passes and quicker shots.”  The 2nd half was a back and forth battle with the Vikings playing fast and pressuring the Tbolt defense. Both teams had opportunities but the Vikings seemed to have the momentum. With time running out and the Vikings pressuring him up the field the Tbolts counter attacked and scored the game sealing goal with 50 seconds remaining. 2-0 Northmont victory. Coach Randolph said after the game “I am so proud of how my team bounced back after the last game. We played very well tonight and lost to a very good team. I am not disappointed in our effort tonight and believe we showed who we really are as a team. “Good games were had by Roark, Zech, Bussard, Siroki, Schacherer, Affini, Eshbaugh, Schenck, Cardenas, Teaney, Alsalhi

 The Vikings hosted the Sydney Yellow jackets on a hot afternoon game for the 3rd game of this week. The Vikings came out ready to play and put a lot of pressure early on the Yellow jackets defense. The quick passing game had them in their half for most of the first 15 minutes. The Sydney defense was bending but would not break. The play seemed to even out after that with Sydney gaining confidence and getting some possession and a couple of chances of their own. The 1st half ended 0-0 and a very good match between the two teams.  Coach Randolph told his players they needed to play quicker like they did in the first part of the game.  He also stated that he felt a rain storm would be coming soon and with us starting the 2nd half if we got rained out it would count as a complete game. He asked his players to score quickly and put a lot of pressure on them in their half hoping to capitalize on a mistake. The 2nd half began and very quickly the Thunder came and a 40 minute delay in play with the score still 0-0. When Play resumed the Vikings attacked with a fierce pace and 10 minutes later a nice through pass from Kip Schenck put Ibrahim Alsalhi 1 v 1 on the goalie from 12 yards out. “Abe “finished nicely giving the Vikings a 1-0 lead and 24 minutes to play. The Vikings continued to attack but couldn’t find the 2nd goal. Sydney would not give up and the last 5 minutes gave the Viking defense all they could handle pressuring to tie the game. Junior Will Roark would keep the score sheet clean again today for his 3rd shutout of the season. Good games were had by Roark, Siroki, Zech, Bussard, Schacherer, Affini, Eshbaugh, Schenck, Cardenas, Brundage, Reeser, Teaney, Alsalhi
