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Coaches Reference Site

Posted by Eddie Hackett at Sep 16, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


Go ahead and click the title above and it will provide you access to an excellent coaching website.

We have set up a member login for all our NSC coaches to take advantage of this coaching website, which provides drills for all age groups and abilities, exercises/stretching, nutrition, pro-coaching tips and many other coaching tools.

Below is some tips for new coaches from;

The following will help you along as you start preparing your sessions:

* Make it FUN!

* Have a few extra balls available, as well as cones to mark out your area!

* Allow players the opportunities to problem-solve!

* Think how you can maximize the number of touches each player will have in your session!

* Allow players the opportunity to be creative!

* Don’t talk too much –have the grids set up ahead of time –let them play and then explain your exercise within thirty seconds or less!

* The larger the size of the grid the easier it is for the players to have success: the smaller it is the more challenging!

* Be organized, be patient, stay positive, and have a backup plan!  

Much of the information on the site is free to view. For the NSC member login and to view much more, please e-mail the DOC Eddie Hackett at


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Coaches Corner

Posted by Eddie Hackett at Sep 15, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

NSC Coaching Philosophy

To ALL NSC coaches, we ask you abide by our coaching philosophy to the best of your ability;

  • Be positive and encourage your players at all times
  • Set a good example to you players and parents
  • Recognize and try to understand the age of your players and the level they are at
  • Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!
  • Have a practice plan
  • Have a game plan
  • If you wish to speak to referee's, do so in a calm, respectful manner away from your players
  • Appreciate and acknowledge good individual and team soccer by both teams
  • Take a deep breath during games and try to see the big picture
  • Remember the importance of development over just winning
REMEMBER.....YOU are a role model !!!
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Travel Program

Posted by Eddie Hackett at Sep 15, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


Travel soccer is for qualified, committed and dedication soccer players. Travel soccer starts at the U10 age division. Players who wish to play travel soccer must attend tryouts for the team they wish to play on (special cases will be considered at discretion of DOC). Travel teams are coached and managed by Parent-Coaches and also use professional training to assist develop and teach players to reach the highest level they can as an individual and team player. Travel teams practice a minimum of two (2) times per week and play one (1) game at the weekend in the Long Island Junior Soccer League (LIJSL).


It is NSC mission to develop travel players to their highest level of capability, through; technical, tactical and physical training in a competitive, learning, soccer environment. We also strive to teach players the psychological aspects of the game and how to handle competitive situations with RESPECT, and provide players the experience required to take the game to the High School or Collegiate levels and beyond if they so desire.


Players who wish to play travel soccer must attend tryouts for the team they wish to play on. Tryouts are held at the end of the Spring season (June) of each year. If a players wishes to attend tryouts or practice with the Travel team in their age group, they must contact the coach of the team. To be a travel player it is a family commitment as well as the player, although it can be a very rewarding experience and teaches young players important values and life experience.


Costs involve NSC registrations fee's, professional training, uniform, tournaments, winter leagues and summer camps. All teams vary and are based on the individual team commitment and dedication. Some choose to do more training and tournaments than others so it is very important for the family to know the team goals and expectations when joining the team.

For more information, contact the Travel team coach in your childs age group, or you can contact NSC DOC Eddie Hackett at

Fall 12 / Spring 13 NSC Travel teams;

Boys Teams   

BU15 Warriors          LIJ D2       Coach Vincent Gentile      

BU13 Hawks             LIJ D5E     Coach Tom Steiger

BU12 Red Bulls        LIJ D6E       Coach Arnaldo Adorno

BU11 United             LIJ S2      Coach Vincent Gentile

BU11 Revolution       LIJ S4      Coach Mike Alestra  

Girls Teams

GU17 Tigers             LIJ D1        Coach Tom Steiger   

GU15 Lightning        LIJ D6E      Coach Matt Antonawich

GU13 Dynamite        LIJ D2       Coach Pat Sullivan    

GU11 Pride              LIJ S1        Coach Angela Calatayud

GU10 Sting       LIJ SN Coach Ivan Rodriguez 

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Intramural Program

Posted by Eddie Hackett at Sep 14, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


Intramural Soccer is a recreation program for all children, with no playing experience necessary (ages 4-18 years) from the Middle Country School District and surrounding communities.


It is a FUN and enjoyable experience to introduce players to the game of soccer, while learning the fundamental skills and rules of the game.


The program offers professional age division training (weekdays), team practices and game days (Sunday's), and is structured in an age specific format and curriculum with easy to understand and natural progressions.

U6 - Mini field, 3v3, no Goal Keepers, out of bounds rules only, kick in' throw in's.

U8 - Micro field, 5v5, Goal Keeper + 4 outfield players, no offside rule, throw-ins and corner kicks introduced.

U10 - Junior field, 7v7, Goal Keeper + 6 outfield players. Full rules apply.

U12 - Intermediate field, 9v9, Goal Keeper + 8 outfield players. Full rules.

U13+ - Senior Field, 11v11, Goal Keeper + 10 outfield players. Full Rules.

Please note:

U6 (Under 6) = 4-5 year olds

U8 (Under 8) = 6-7 year olds, etc, etc

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NSC Club Philosophy

Posted by Eddie Hackett at Sep 14, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

NSC Philosophy

For the pure enjoyment of your child(ren) and others involved in NSC, we ask you to please;

  • Be POSITIVE at all times
  • Restrain yourself from shouting instructions or any other comments from the sidelines (OR, Step up and become a coach!!)
  • Always support your team coach, or ask questions "politely" away from the kids
  • Encourage your childs team as well as the team they are playing against
  • Acknowledge good play, for both teams
  • Respect the game itself, as well as all players, parents, referee's and anybody else
  • DO NOT question any referee calls (OR, become a referee yourself, to which you would never comment again!!)
  • Remind yourself how old these children playing actually are, its not professional!
  • Remind yourself winning is not the end of the world!
  • After the game, let it go! Kids don't want to hear your game analysis!
  • Relax, sit back and enjoy the game!
  • Remember, it is just a game!
