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Suburban League Finals

Posted by Ralph Casas at Oct 30, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

2007 Suburban League Finals
The boys and girls of the Matadores Varsity and JV teams took to the concrete, asphalt, and grass of Cerritos Regional Park last Wednesday for the Suburban League's final cluster meet of 2007. Unlike the hilly courses of years past, this year's league finals meet was raced over a 3.1-mile flat course. The last time that happened, in 2000, was the last time the Varsity girls team was defeated in league.

Race #1: JV Girls
Leading off the day, the JV girls went into the league finals race with a strong hold on second place. Despite the fact that they were competing without key athletes, the girls were confident in their ability to close the gap on a tough Cerritos team. Getting out early, Aja Labasan and Valerie Wong took an early lead and were closely followed by a pack containing Monica Ramirez, Bianca Ceballos, Paulina Tapia, and Carly Clase.


By the end of the second mile, the girls desperately fought to maintain their position. Aja was now joined up front by Paulina as Valerie fell back due to increasing shin pain and continued the race side-by-side with Monica. In the end, the girls had closed the gap on first place, but not enough to pull out a victory. For the fourth consecutive year, they were runners up in league. Aja, Paulina, Valerie and Monica earned medals and were named to the All-League JV team. For their efforts, Aja and Paulina were added to the varsity team for CIF competition.


Race #2: JV Boys
Inconsistency was the story of the 2007 season for the JV boys, who entered league finals in third place. Any other year the coaches and captains would have settled for a third place finish. This year, though, the team was larger, deeper, and had more potential than ever. They knew it would take a huge effort to make up the deficit they were left with after the second cluster meet.


When the gun sounded, Regan Garcia set out to single handedly re-establish the team as a force in league. Mateo Cordova, Frankie Nogales, and Enrique Nava did their best to keep pace, but found themselves falling further behind.


Regan led the race through the first half before finally finishing in fourth place. He was the sole athlete from La Mirada to earn a medal at the race. Enrique showed his leadership as he and Frankie were the next two scorers for the Matadores. Regan and Enrique will join the varsity team for the CIF race.


Race #3: Varsity Girls

2007 Suburban League Champions
Celinda Manzo, Lauren McIntyre (League Champ), Melissa Byrd, Stephanie Felix, Ashley Casanover, Tatiana Cortes, Clarissa Negrete, Sarah Jeon

Undefeated in league since November 2000, the last time the league finals race was held at Cerritos Regional Park, the Varsity girls team has compiled a record of 84 wins and no losses since then. Having heard all the hype, the girls made the decision last August at camp to downplay the pursuit of a league title as their main goal. They had higher objectives for the 2007 season. Their focus changed when they found out Stephanie Felix, their #1 runner, would NOT participate in the race. Suddenly, with the prospect of second place facing them, they realized they could no longer take league for granted.


Meeting prior to the start of the race, the girls collectively agreed that they would dedicate the race to their captain as they repeated her favorite pre-race mantra: DOMINATE. Their new goal: All seven in the top ten. It wasn't long after the gun sounded that the pieces began to fall into place. Melissa Byrd set the early pace and Lauren McIntyre was on her heels. Willing to allow Mayfair's #1 runner to get out in the front spot for the first half of the race, Lauren and Melissa settled in and formed a pack with Celinda Manzo and Ashley Casanover that proved to be impenetrable. At the first mile all seven Lady Mats were in the front ten -- four in the lead pack and three in the chase pack.


Entering the long, hot asphalt on the riverbed, Lauren soon chased down the #1 runner and took over the lead by the time the race entered the second mile. With Byrd, Manzo, and Casanover in the 3, 4, 5 spot, the race was essentially over at that point. They could relax. Still, there was their goal to consider. Melissa made the decision to go for it as she chased down second place for the second straight year. Clarissa Negrete, who missed last season's league finals race, and Taitana Cortes let out all the frustrations they have felt in their young running careers as they both made a frantic move over the last quarter mile of the course. Clare, running in 10th place at the second mile, moved up to the sixth spot, just seconds behind her freshman teammates Ashley and Celinda. Tatiana waited a bit longer to move, but when she did, she moved from #12 to #9 before falling just short of the #8 spot. With their strong finish, the girls earned a team record 18 points and placed six Lady Mats in the top 9. Extrapolating the 3+ mile course to 3-miles, the race earned the girls the fastest team time ever run by a La Mirada team running with Stephanie.


Race #4: Varsity Boys

There was one goal for the varsity boys this season: a league title. Entering league finals in third place, the boys knew their only shot at achieving their dream was to start the race in the front and hold on. With that plan in mind, Andrew Garza, Michael Palmer, Mark Gillaspy, and Dennis Ly raced to the front of the lead pack by the end of the first mile. Close behind in the second pack, Andrew Herrick was effectively leading Brett Berger and Richard Marquez on a PR pace -- the plan was working.


As the race entered the riverbed, the front runners from Norwalk and Cerritos picked up the pace. It was time. Unfortunately, the Matadores were too slow to respond and found the gap that was opened to be insurmountable. At races end, the boys were on the short end of the closest race in league history. Their quest for the top spot in league will have to wait for another year. Still, by finishing in third place, they qualified for CIF-SS competition for the 7th consecutive year.

2007 Boys Varsity Team

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Suburban League Cluster Meet #2

Posted by Ralph Casas at Oct 9, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

2007 Season Week Six: Suburban League Cluster Meet #2 -- Boys fall back, girls sweep
On a day with near perfect conditions, the Matadores took to the hills of La Mirada Regional Park for the 2nd Suburban League cluster meet. Matched against all six other league teams, the race began with the JV girls race at 1:45 pm, followed by the JV boys at 2:30 pm. On the varsity side, the girl's race began at 3:20 pm and the boys at 3:50 pm.

Girls JV: Negrete back in action after two weeks of rest
Despite missing close to ten days of training, senior Clarissa Negrete used her experience over the hills of La Mirada Regional park to pace herself to a fairly easy first place finish on the hilly 3-mile course. Clarissa was over a minute ahead of the second place runner from Cerritos High School. Next in line for the JV Lady Mats was Aja Labasan, whose 3rd place finish could not overcome a tough Cerritos pack of four who finished ahead of La Mirada's 3rd runner, Paulina Tapia. Carly Clase and Bianca Ceballos rounded out the top five scoring for the JV team.

Unlike the first cluster meet where they were outscored 15-50, the girls closed the gap on the front runners from Cerritos and narrowed their deficit to a respectable score of 24-34. In the end they still came away from the meet with a second place finish. They enter the league finals race in second place, where, under Suburban League rules, it is still possible to win the league title.

Girls Varsity: Felix sets pace; McIntyre, byrd, Casanover, manzo, cortes & wong keep lady mats a leg up in league

The week leading up to the 2nd cluster meet was filled with surprises for the Lady Mats.  First Clarissa came down with an illness that sidelined her for 10 days, then Sarah Jeon suffered a pull to a hip flexor that kept her out of action for a week.  Both girls skipped the road trip to Clovis in hopes of being ready for the League Meet.  By race time there were only six girls prepared to compete.  Melissa Byrd, who has been hobbled by mysterious aches and pains since the trip to Clovis, was a last minute addition to the lineup.  To make matters worse, Stephanie Felix was feeling less than her best.  Before the race started, the girls were instructed by their coaches to settle in and run a controlled race. "No surprises, just keep it steady, get the job done, and let's go home."

So how did they handle the news?  In typical Lady Mat style, the girls went out and swept the race, finishing in first through fifth place on the difficult course.  Running in a strong pack with her teammates for the first mile, Stephanie picked up the pace on the hilly 2nd mile and opened up a 60 second gap over the rest of the field.  This week it was Lauren McIntyre who claimed her spot in second place behind Stephanie.  Running close behind were Byrd, Ashley Casanover, and Celinda Manzo.  Significantly, the gap between Lauren and Celinda (2 through 5) was only 39 seconds and the gap between one and five was 1:41 -- the closest ever during the Felix years.  Tatiana Cortes and Valerie Wong rounded out the scoring for the girls who enter League Finals in first place with their 6-year winning streak intact.


Boys varsity: Ly leads; boys in 3rd place going into league finals
Balance and strength training, form and technique drills, and miles of hills were added to the boys workout regimen this summer.  Even their attitude took on a different tenor as the boys entered the season believing they were ready to race with the top teams in league.  A second place finish at the first cluster meet did nothing to make them take their competitors for granted and they continued to train seriously. Unfortunately they were unable to sustain their 2nd place position at the 2nd cluster meet and were defeated by Cerritos and Norwalk by a score of 23-34.

Led by Dennis Ly, La Mirada's Runner of the Meet, the Matadores fought hard for position early in the race. Dennis' race was easily his best of the season, but, unlike the first cluster meet where the boys finished in a tight pack of four, only Michael Palmer was close enough behind to crack the top 10.  

Andrew Garza fought bravely to hold on, but the time off he took last week worked against him.  That, and a huge gap between their numbers 4, 5, and 6 runners, left the boys shy of their goal for the day.  On any other day, Mark Gillsapy would not have raced. On this day he refused to quit. Despite his valiant efforts, for the first time this season he finished behind Andrew Herrick and was the Matadores 5th scorer.  Richard Marquez and Brett Berger rounded out the team. The boys enter league finals in 3rd place.

JV BOYs enter league finals in 3rd place
Some years the JV boys are lucky simply to field a complete team. This season, they've handed out all their uniforms and the team still continues to grow!  More importantly, they continue to improve and are serious contenders for a top three spot in league.  Led by Regan Garcia, the boys finished in 5th place at the second cluster meet. Mateo Cordova took the lead for the first mile before dropping back.  Enrique Nava and Frankie Nogales finished ahead of Cordova, while Aaron Cordova, Miguel Franco, Fernando Velasco, Brett Pierce, William Gomez and Jorge Medrano also finished the race for the Matadores.  The JV boys enter League Finals in 3rd place overall.
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Clovis Invite

Posted by Ralph Casas at Oct 5, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Clovis Invitational
Woodward Park, Fresno
October 6, 2007
Course: 3.1 miles, some Hills
Conditions: Cool
Place Name Mile 1 Mile 2 Finish
1 Felix, Stephanie 5:38 11:48 18:16
14 Byrd, Melissa 5:52 12:43 19:49
17 McIntyre, Lauren 5:51 12:44 19:53
50 Casanover, Ashley 6:18 13:21 20:47
83 Manzo, Celinda 6:22 13:43 21:35
100 Cortes, Tatiana 6:33 14:20 22:05
112 Wong, Valerie 6:43 14:31 22:44
165 points 6th place team  

Team Time:

79 Garza, Andrew 5:15 11:14 17:27
88 Palmer, Michael 5:25 11:16 17:34
100 Gillaspy, Mark 5:32 11:40 17:46
108 Ly, Dennis 5:25 11:29 17:53
131 Marquez, Richard 5:34 11:31 18:21
141 Berger, Brett 5:35 11:56 18:35
143 Herrick, Andrew 5:34 11:56 18:40
506 points 19th place team  

Team Time:

