

HHS BPA Monthly Meeting Minutes

Posted by Angela Davis on May 26 2018 at 05:00PM PDT

Huntsville High School

Band Parent Association Meeting

April 17,2018

Huntsville High School Band Room


Carolyn Drake called the meting to order at 6:05pm.



Carolyn Drake, President: Welcomed everyone to meeting.  First order of business is to approve minutes. All BPA minutes have been posted to website. No changes to minutes were noted. Minutes were approved.


Susan Boothe, Treasurer: She passed out budget. Asked if anyone had questions. No questions asked. We have been over some items under expenses but under on others. She will be getting last financial statements out soon, especially seniors. The budget will be filed for audit.


Stuart Tankesley, Director: We are in audition season. Percussion auditions are next week. Our spring concerts are May 2 and 3. The week of May 7 is color guard, drum major and concert band auditions.  Then we have a week to get ready for graduation. Then we will be starting into next year with rookie camp.


Carolyn Drake, President: Mr. Tankesley said what she was going to say. She passed out football schedule and pointed out few important dates. There is only one Thursday night game and that is the first game of season.


1st Vice President- Chaperones: Carolyn reported for Jeff McCluskey, as he could not be at meeting. He asked that she remind everyone that we need lots of support for band camp. There will be email coming out soon with information for band camp.


 2nd Vice President- Fundraising:  Carolyn reported on this as Jen Applebaum was unable to be at meeting. She announced the Planet Fundraiser and passed out information card. It was explained that you download the app and it works similar to the Publix card. You can refer a merchant to this app and talk to them about joining. You scan you receipt and band will get a credit from this purchase.  When you travel turn on locations in the app and you will find merchants were you are that participate. It was asked it they company tracks your purchases to target you with ads. We don’t know. It was also asked if out of town folks could use it. Yes they just put in HHS Band.


Committee Reports


Carolyn Drake Communications:  She requested that you make sure you information in Charms is correct and up-to-date. This is how we communicate.


 Machelle Fletcher, Concessions & Pavers:  Please get your brick orders in. We are laying some in May. 

This committee has been moved to fundraising next year instead of a standalone.


Gena Black, Hospitality: The band banquet is Friday May 11 at the Stone Center. Bubba’s silver spoon catering will be providing the meal. The cost will be $20 per person. The band association will pay for senior’s student meals.  Reservations must be made by May 4. We will have forms available at the spring concerts on May 2 and 3. This is a special night to recognize our seniors and have some fun.


Ben Boles, Media: He wanted to let everyone know they are awesome. We had great communication from Orlando trip. Thank you. We will have highlights of the year at the banquet. We are still deciding if we will need baby pictures. Also if you have any videos or pictures please let him know.


Liz Boykin, Uniforms: She will be collecting formal wear after the May 3 concert. Please clean the uniforms before turning them in.


Jen Skupien, VBC Liaison: She needs wrist banders for Monster Jam. There are four shows. Please sign up on the When I Work app or you can email her. We are coming up on our slow season for the VBC.


Melissa LeBella, Nominations and Elections: She presented the proposed slate of officer and committee chairs for the 2018/ 2019 school year. The recommendations were as follows:

For office of President: Carolyn Drake

For office of 1st Vice President Chaperones: Jeff McCluskey

For office of 2nd Vice President Fundraising: Sandra Moore

For second slot for office of 2nd Vice President Fundraising: No Candidate

For office of Secretary: Angela Davis

For office of Treasurer: Liz Boykin


For committee chairs, which are appointed by the President with approval of the board, are as follows:

Communications Committee Chair: Melissa Labella

Credit Keeper Committee Chair: Jennifer Applebaum

Equipment Committee Chair: Brian Ragan

Hospitality Committee Chair: Elizabeth Butz

Media Committee Chair: Ben Boles

Trip Committee Coordinator: Shannon Doherty

Uniform Committee Co-Chairs: Erin Boles and April Chapman

Color Guard Liaison: Marcia Flatau

VBC Liaison: Jen Skupien



            Brian Ragan who was nominated for equipment chair has with drawn himself from the nomination. We still need some one for the second slot of fundraising and also an equipment chair if you are interested or know anyone who maybe interested please let Carolyn know by end of year. Nominations were closed and approved as presented.


There was no new business.


Announcements: Band banquet will serve as our May meeting.

On Tuesday the HHS Brass Quintet will play at the Huntsville Council of PTA’s at which Vivica will be receiving a scholarship. This information will be in Sunday’s email.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:25pm.



Respectfully submitted by

Angela Davis







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