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Hard Week this week!

Posted by Jeff Stiffler at Sep 22, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
We will be going against another hard team this week. Circleville will be tough. They beat London, and we struggled a bit with London. I would imagine that they will play like Academy did. I really think that if we have all of our players in this game, that we can do really good. I am not sure how Tree of Life is, but we do have home field advantage. The key this week will be the speed and getting to the ball. We will need to make good accurate passes, and take some shots from outside the box. I would like to see the cross and back passes. Remember, that when you make the pass, open yourself up to receive it back. Let's go out, and play to WIN. Good Luck! Coach Stiffler
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Game #3 @ Columbus Academy.

Posted by Jeff Stiffler at Sep 7, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Danny Hamp has been voted MVP of the Game. Even the coach of the other team was very impressed with his Goalie stops. GREAT JOB DANNY. Great Job to the rest of the Team as well.
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World Cup Finale

Posted by Jeff Stiffler at Jul 9, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
What a World Cup series this was. It was great for Italy, and not so good for U.S. There was some great soccer, hard fought matches, tremendous plays, and of course some disappointments. Over all I was satisfied with what I saw in this World Cup Series. I actually feel that there were some better games in this series than last. The US team just did not look like they were into the matches like they should have been. England started playing better in the quarter finals after loosing a player and having to play a man down, but it was a little late. Brazil was just taken over by France, and they could not come back. Italy and France were really the dominating teams. And was a good final game, except for the last few minutes, and a not so good of a move from a talented player. I think my favorite match was Italy vs Germany in the Semi finals. A strong 120 minutes of play, and some superb goals by Italy at the very end of the second overtime. That was awesome to watch. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks. Coach Jeff Stiffler.