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"Hey Focker I've got tit's, why don't you milk me?" - Kristy's friend, Shortbus

"Does anyone else's feet and ass hurt" - Fitzy - the morning after...

"Officer, have you seen a sheep running around here with duct tape on it's ankles?" - Shortbus

"Nope, this one has a scuff on the end cap, it's definately your bat." Ronnie talking to one of the Amish kids

"Oh, well - Semper Fi then" - unanamous

"Cuz you opened your f***ing mouth, that's why" - Smokey

"All they wanna do is have fun and drink beer" - Robbie

"Yeaaaah ***es...." - Focker

"I'll play second, what the ***, how hard can it be?" - Pagel shortly before catching one on the nose

"I can't even win a coin flip" - Steve Dimitry shortly after Brennan tells the story of his wife's winnings and losings in Atlantic City

Buckeye's Best...

"It sucks to try and pull it out on your own.  One time when I was younger my Labrador retriever ate a 72 inch shoelace and when she tried to poop only the first 7 inches came out so I had to stand on the end and I made her run away.....awesome...don't try that at home"

"Remember folks,  help control the retard population. Have your Scoob and Shortbus spade or neutered"

Deep, Incoherent thoughts by Matthew Richards...

"...Word of wisdom, don't suck tonight..." - Focker 

"I actually read the whole thing and understood it.  I'm getting smater everyday"  - Focker

" The smatest of the smat eat diner at diners "

" Why would I bring my tent to the campground?  So you ***s can F with my tent?  Besides, i can camp whenever I want in my yard back home."

A Fockerism by Shortbus...

" Did you see it? That thing hit the backest part of the plate."
