

Bench Dedication Ceremony for Carl Bobick - October 7th at 2PM

Posted by Michael Polikoff on Sep 30 2017 at 05:00PM PDT in Spring 2019

Carl Bobick

To all my friends and family, It has been nearly 4 months since my father lost his battle with cancer/liver disease. I am so grateful to have had the support system that all of you provided to me during these dark days. During this period, there have been many generous contributions made by awesome individuals in the Forest Hills neighborhood. These contributions were made to the Forest Hills Youth Athletic Association in honor of my father. I am extremely proud to announce that those contributions have been used to purchase a bench in honor of my Dad, Carl Bobick. On October 7th, we will be having a ceremony to dedicate the bench to Pop. We would like to extend the invitation to all of you great people who helped support us during our difficult time. If you would like to say a few words, anybody, we invite you to do so. The ceremony will take place on October 7th at 2:00 pm at the Forest Hills Little League fields at 66-01 Fleet Street. Thank you to all of the kind people who went above and beyond and made contributions so that this day could be possible. I look forward to seeing many of you there!

Much love everyone,
Eli Bobick


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