

DEC Meeting

Posted by Dewey Hom on Jan 05 2018 at 06:00AM PST in Fall 2017

December 4, 2017

The monthly meeting of the CSSA Board was held at Gameday Restaurant and called to order by Norm Theim at 6:30 PM;

Present members: Ray DeLuca, Mike Parsons, Ken Taylor, Bob Werner, Bob Hammond, Darrell Moreland, Norm Theim, John Humeston, Dan Flemming, Randy Bergman and Scott Parrish;

Old Business:
A. Minutes from 11-07-17, were approved.

B. Banquet was a success even though the CSSA was at a loss of $640, in ticket sales due to paying for sponsor dinners and giving a guarantee of 200 attendees to the caterer.
1. 50/50 drawing and auction sales netted just under $1200. The money was given to charities that will sponsor toys, gifts, food, etc to children during and after the holidays.
a. Po Boys Car Club $450, for bicycle helmets and gift cards for teen children;
b. Cherokee Shrine Club $300, for toys and needs;
c. William Weaver w/ HAC (Help a Child) $450, for food, school supplies and other needs.

C. The IA and IR were discussed at length with no official decision made at the meeting. This matter will be discussed again, along with notes and various considerations made at the meeting. Preliminary results of the discussion are as follows:
1. IR will be omitted;
2. IA will be called ‘Replacement Players List’
a. A player cannot play in a season unless he pays for a full season;
b. The player does not count against the roster of the league’s pre-set maximum number of players, until he is on a team;
c. A player may come back to play in a league with the league director’s placement to a team in need, provided there is an open roster spot.

D. Treasure’s Report: Voted and approved by BOD.
1. Beginning Balance - $16,310.26
2. Ending Balance - $10,615.97
Ending balance includes pay off of banquet, awards, and misc fees.

E. Ken Taylor is stepping down as Treasurer, and the board is looking for someone from the league to take over this position. Anyone who would like to volunteer for the treasurer’s duties please contact someone from the board to make yourself heard.

F. Robbie Crider has been named the new Skip Wells League director.

G. Robbie Crider has been named the new Web Manager.

H. Discussion and a motion was made for the Secretary position to be included into the expansion of the executive committee. This will be voted on at the next meeting after proper posting time is completed.

I. Next meeting will take place on January 8, 2018. Time & place to be announced.

J. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

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