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Kilroot II glad when this was over.

Posted by Kilroot Rec at Apr 5, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
This match at Beltoy on Wednesday 3/4/02 with a 6-30 k/o was a pleasant encounter with our dear friends from Dundonald Ecc II, always a pleasure to be entertained by them and involved in a gentle game of soccer. They are currently join top of 3e with our other sporting friends from Monkstown the 18 Th N/Abbey II. It will be a tight finish to see which one will get the fair play award? This was not a game for the faint hearted, playing a team probably strengthened by some first teamers, a very component and skilful team who had the measure of Kilroot II and yet if the Referee Mr David Gillen had not been present it would have been doubtful if the game would have finished. A lot of, of the ball incidents, scowling, and verbal threats, more accustomed to the street disturbances than football. Kilroot only one nil down first half, scored in the seventh minute, from a header, a sloppy goal conceded although Ecc, dominated the play. McNiece the Kilroot keeper pulled of a magnificent save in the first half. Half Time. o-1. Sixty-two minutes Ecc scored their second goal from a header the result of a corner ball. 0-2. Manager John McAllister then brought on two subs, off went Phearson and Hammond, on came Donald and Meek. Ecc hit the Kilroot bar on sixty-five minutes, a let of. On seventy-five minutes McElnea had to go of the field with an alleged injury to his knee during a corner kick by Ecc, which they netted with another header.0-3. It must have been sheer coincidence that the Liverpool match was beginning soon so there was no time for a plaster on the injured knee. Manderson replaced McElnea. McNiece the home keeper made another unbelievable save in the second half to stop Ecc increasing their lead. Eighty minutes and it happened, Dummy with one of his usual challenges hard but fair incurred the wrath of at least two gentlemen masquerading as footballers attempted to rearrange his looks, the Ref did not waste any time in dismissing both of them and also the unfortunate Robert Dummigan who was adjudged to have been the instigator, unlucky!. This was an extremely difficult game for the young and not so young players to play in, always looking behind you wondering when and where the next incident was going to take place. Not a nice experience to be part of, over and beyond the call of duty. It's good to report that Puskeys knee has made a miraculous recovery and he was able to play five a side on Thursday night. Best for Kilroot McNiece and Crawford. Kilroot Team. Gary McNiece, Graham McCann, Harper, Philip Burch, Glen Crawford, Darren McKinty, Colin McElnea, Robert Dummigan, Simon Hamilton, Thomas Hammond and James Phearson. Subs. Alan Manderson, Philip Meek and Stephen Donald.
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A Slick penalty seals victory for Kilroot II.

Posted by Kilroot Rec at Apr 5, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
On a beautiful sunny day at Beltoy, with a sprinkiling of first team players on board Jonn McAilister was looking for points to halt the alarming slide to the bottom of the league. Temple Rangers II were the visitors to day and an aging team at that. The first half a non event with little to comment on, Kilroot a lot of possion with the final ball mising, Temple confined to the odd excursion into Kilroot's half again their finishing as bad as Kilroot's. The ony action which deserves a mention in the first half was on thirty five minutes a snap shot from twenty yards throught a crowded goal mouth but straight down the keepers throat, to either side and it was in, Wesley Steele disapointed. Half Time. In the second half the visitors were visibly tirying, Kilroot having more of the ball but with little or no idea as how to penanitrate the Temple goal's. Very good up to the eighteen yard line but once reached, all ideas dissapeared. On seventy five minutes a Temple defender handeled the ball in the box the Ref awarded a penalty. Slick done the needful and converted. 1-0. This was the only way Kilroot were going to score as they never looked like scoring from open play. The manager did not use any subs as the score stood at one nil, it was still to close to call. Kilroot continued to control the game in the remaining fifteen minutes with out adding to the score. Kilroot Scorer. Neil McConnell (pen) Kilroot team. Gary McNiece, Glen Crawford, Harper, Philip Burch, Paul Mathers, Colin Adair, Wesley Steele, Neil McConnell, David Brown, Stephen Donald and Philip Meek. Subs. not used. Stephen Green, Thomas Hammond and Gary Mulholland.
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A Game of two halves.

Posted by Kilroot Rec at Mar 30, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Kilroot started of the first half with an energy and a belief in themselves which looked positive and could net a few goals, but alas some nearly one's some close one's and some downright poor one's which resulted in a clean sheet. Against a team like Rathfern you have to score because more often than not they will score. It was R/Fern after six minutes with the Kilroot defence at sixe's and seven;s who somehow missed an open goal from five yard's, a let of for the home side. From this moment on Kilroot had the upper hand for the rest of first half but again could not score goals, goals win matches. The two best chances in the first half one by Eecky and the other by Si Hamilton were both squandered. In the thirty third minute Mather's on a run down the right was ruthlesly taken out by a two footed tackle, a throw in was awarded taken by mathers to Si Hamilton who evaded two challanges before being stopped in R/Fern's box, for his troubles he was clipped round the ear with a closed hand. Again the referee a grade four was week and indecive and gave a free kick to R/Fern! Was this a climpse of the R/Fern of old, you decide. After this incident some of the young Kilroot players were visibly subdued and lost a little of their impetuses. Half Time. Rathfern had the advantage of a little wind and the use of their own ball, they had complained to the ref Mr Thompson at half time that the match ball he selected was not to their liking and with out any consultation with the Kilroot officals he agreed to their demands. Fourty nine minute's a free kick to R/Fern twenty five yards out delivered to back post for a forward to head in to net unaposed. 0-1. Sixty minute's Kilroot had another reprive when a cross to the back post came of the inside of the post and rebounded into the arms of a relieved Home keeper.Seventy minute's after good work on the right wing by a R/Fern forward resulted in another cross to back post again, the result another goal. 0-2. After this flurry it was time for sub's the first Brown on for Priestly, McKinty on for Mathers and Dummy on for B/A. Kilroot had a couple of chances in the second half, young Si Hamilton and Slick but both effort's over the bar as most of Kilroots free kicks went as well. Philip Meek and Stuart Hamilton maybe just deserved a special mention out of a hard working and skillful team who on another day might have got a result. Kilroot on the up, with a few more positions to be strengthened will be a force to be reckoned with. Kilroot Team. Gorden Priestly, David Adams, Colin Martin, Stuart Hamilton, Paul Mathers, Colin Adair, Neil McConnell, Philip Meek, Simon Hamilton, Stephen Donald and Stephen McClean. Subs. Robin Brown, Darren McKinty and Dummy.
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Rooftop pip Kilroot by the odd goal.

Posted by Kilroot Rec at Mar 23, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
After last week's stunning victory against unbeaten Ballywalter it was back the mundane tussle with Rooftop. With only five minutes on the clock Mather's, Steele and Slick provided an opening for b/a to slot home the first goal of the game. 0-1. Twenty minutes a free kick for R/Top thirty five yards inside own half taken by home keeper, intercepted by b/a and with a delicate lob was just wide of the unprotected net. Twenty five minutes a ball over the top from R/Top caught the Kilroot rearguard in disarray, a R/Top forward took advantage of the indecision and hit the crossbar from fifteen yards, Priestly the Kilroot keeper making his way back to goal only succeeded in knocking the rebound into the Kilroot net. A bazaar goal. 1-1. Twenty seven minutes Martin cleared his lines b/a picked up the loose ball and brought a great save from the home keeper, saving with his legs. Thirty-five minutes with R/Top advancing into Kilroots eighteen-yard area, the Kilroot keeper was adjudged to have brought down the forward. Andy Ritchie the referee awarded a penalty, which R/Top converted. 2-1. Thirty seven minutes and more misery for Kilroot, R/Top score number three with little resistance. 3-1. Forty three minutes a long throw in by R/Top caused sheer panic in Kilroot's goal area, the fourth goal the result. 4-1. Half Time. The second half a mammoth task for kilroot, three goals down against a physical side. A few of the travelling player's not at ease when the going get's tough. A great start to second half on fifty-three minutes Slick a neat measured ball over the defence for b/a to run onto and score his and Kilroot's second goal. 4-2. Fifty five minutes the first substitution Meek on for the of colour Steele. Sixty minute's McKinty on for the injured McConnell. Seventy minutes Phearson on for Adair. Kilroot had more than their fair share of the game the last twenty minutes and it was with shock and despair when R/Top went further ahead. 5-2. The management’s response was to play Stu Hamilton up front along with b/a and eecky. Eighty minutes a corner ball to Kilroot taken by b/a found Si Hamilton who blasted it into the R/Top net. 5-3. Eighty four minutes a free kick to Kilroot forty yards out, taken by Martin dropped into R/Top's box and the young McKinty chased and harried the home defence resulting in a defender putting through his own goals. 5-4. The clock beat Kilroot as they ran out of time when pushing for an equalizer. Some of the silly goal's conceded proved very costly at the end of play. Goal scorers. b/a, 2. Si Hamilton, 1. o/g. Kilroot Team. Gordon Priestly, David Adam's, Paul Mather's, Colin Martin, Stuart Hamilton, Simon Hamilton, Wesley Steele, Neil McConnell, Colin Adair, Stephen Donald and Stephen McClean. Subs. Darren McKinty, Philip Meek and James Phearson.
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Teacher's give pupil's a lesson.

Posted by Kilroot Rec at Mar 23, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Queen's colt's came to Beltoy on Saturday with a big reputation and a very big team, they did not disappoint. Kilroot II got a comprehensive lesson on the simple game, pass and move, and score goal's. A package of similar duration on video would have cost a fortune, Kilroot II got a live show for free. One can only hope that they learn from it. It was a one sided game from the start with Colt's dictating the play, Kilroot intercepting occasionally and promptly giving the ball away again. Colts opened the scoring in the twenty first minute, from a corner kick and shabby marking by the Kilroot rear guard. 0-1. Thirty minutes Gary Mulholland on only is second game back after long term injury had to retire with a slight hamstring malfunction being replaced by McIlwrath. On thirty one minute's Kilroot gained their first corner after good work by McIlwrath, subsequently cleared. On thirty four minute's Colts sliced through the Kilroot team collimating in a fortuitous goal the ball hitting the inside of both post's before entering the net.0-2. Forty minutes a Colt's cross from the right into Kilroot's six yard area, a Colt's player with three Kilroot defender's in close attention somehow managed to get a touch on the ball to score a delightful goal. 0-3. Half Time. Kilroot had the advantage of the wind this half and a little rest bite with the disappearance of Brownlee. Forty six minutes another Colt's attack Kilroot's keeper Robin Brown called for the ball, the call went unheeded and ball was cleared up field with disastrous consequences, a Colt's player collected the ball forty yard's out and unleashed an unstoppable drive into top corner of Kilroot's net with Robin rooted to the spot in a daze. 0-4. Manager John McAllister by this stage was gulping large handfuls of headache tablets watching his team being torn apart by Queens and not helping themselves by being so inept, anyway the manager decided action was needed, with sixty minutes on the clock a double substitution Hammond and Manderson on for the disappointing Gowdy and the invisible Willie Graham. This certainly had the desired affect, Crawford who was having a reasonable game twisted his knee and had to come of, no replacement all sub's used down to ten men. Seventy minutes Colt's scored number five from a simple tap in after good inter play from their own eighteen yard line. 0-5. Seventy nine minutes Stephen Green incurred a foot injury and had to be assisted of the field of play. Kilroot down to nine men? The final whistle came as a relief to the Kilroot player's and management and singled the end of a tortures ninety minutes. Kilroot Team. Robin Brown, Graham McCann, Glen Crawford, Harper, Philip Burch, Colin McElnea, Gary Mulholland, Jonathan Gowdy, David Brown, William Graham and Stephen Green. Sub's. Andrew McIlwrath, Thomas Hammond and Alan Manderson.
