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äàéîåï äøàùåï ìùðú 2004, á- 30.12.03 äìê èåá - äúçìðå òí îâøù øé÷ ìçåìèéï, àáì ëðøàä äëãåøâìðéí àåäáéí àú äñôåøè ùìäí. äúçìðå áäéìåê ðîåê éçñéú, çéîåí, ñáá ùì àéîåðé ëãåøé ÷ø÷ò\àååéø, áðèéí - ð÷éèåú - åçáèåú. ñééîðå òí àéîåðé çáèåú òí äâùåú ÷ìåú. ðåëçéí: åúé÷éí: ,ùîåàì âåìãùèééï,éäåðúï ãéí,ãðé àôùèééï,àìáøè ñø÷åáéõ', ãåã ñåîø,ðúï îðãì åçãùéí: àìãå àéîåï ùîé áøùì"ö. äñôåøè-ëéó ìéã äçé -ëó ùì øàùåï. éåí ùìéùé, 8 áòøá, 6 áéðåàø, 2004 àí éù çùù ùì îîù ùì âùí, ðåãéò òì ãçééú äàéîåï - ðåãéò òã ùòä 16:00


Our first Dawg training for 2004 was on Dec 30, 2003, and it started to warm us up. We arrived to an empty field, but the soccer players really love their game, and showed up right next to us. We started in low gear, after a couple of months of inactivity. We did our ususal warm up, and then a rotation of ground balls, fly balls, bunting and fielding practice, and finished with batting practice based on slow pitching. Attendance report:

Veterans: Shmuel Goldstein, Jon Dym, Danny Epstein, Natan Mandel, David Sommer, Albert Sarkovitz Newcomers: Aldo Next practice: Tuesday, January 6, At the Sport-Kef in Rishon LeTzion, 8 PM. If there is rain, we will inform people by 4 PM.

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Year 2004 (click here for more . . . )

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein at Dec 2, 2003 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Well, this year started out well. We had seven practices at the field in Rishon, but most had about 7 guys or so. Truth is, we had a total of 14, and each guy came at least once, but still, it's not the same. Even the final practice at Baptist Village, for which we paid hundreds of shekels had only 9 guys. So, it's a problem. First two games started out really well. Shmuel's pitching was confident, and competitive. We almost beat Dimona the first time around, a good sign in anyone's book, especially since they ended up taking the championship away from Penticon. We had Dani Machlis join us for this year, and he's still OK in the outfield, but his bat was not the best in the world. His camera really added to the atmosphere of the games, and there are many photos here on the site that you can see, thanks to Dani. After the third game, things started to slip into a malaise. We are convinced that it is psychological. You see, Yechezkel broke his hand, which means that Shmulik didn't have a back-up. Both Shmuel *and* Yechezkel both psychologically benefit from knowing that the other one is there to take up the slack if one of them gets into trouble. It's like being afraid of heights. You know that if you slip, you fall a looooong way down. You are afraid of slipping, and so you do. But unlike a true fall, in which you do not get up again, and therefore it is literally a matter of life and death to hold on, here, you only lose a game. Big deal. Well, once is not a big deal, but when it happens again and again and again, it gets to be annoying. Then Zeke (Yechezkel) was drafted, and was in until November. He wasn't able to get out too much to play, and so Shmulik was on his own. In the fall, we had Albert pitch for a couple of innings, and although he shows great promise, his control is no where near where we need it to be. Albert on the mound in 2005 should be an interesting story. Stay tuned. Another story, though not quite as big, is David Sommer's bat. He has certainly come into his own at the plate. And again, we are convinced that it's psychological. Hope he can transmit this to the rest of us. Eli Krantman joined us once again for the fall, and was great at short. But then again, his hitting too, was not the best. The big story of 2004, of course, is Jon. Jon apparently developed a cancerous brain tumor in September. He started to "lose it" right around that time (speaking incoherently, forgetting things), and then was hospitalized soon after that. Big loss to the team, no question about that. As of this writing (Jan '05), he is back home, doing better, but still not at work, and softball is the last thing on his mind. Keep him in your prayers, folks. Name is éäåùò àñà áï çéä . For 2005, we are looking at the 17th Maccabiah. We have Shmuel, Yechezkel, Albert, and Michael trying out for the Israel national team. We'll see if any one of them get on the team, and then we'll see how the team does this summer. imageimage
In a nice end of a challenging year for the Dawgs, the K-9's outslugged the boys from Beit Shemesh on a pleasent Oct 20th Monday night at Kibbutz Gezer, slamming in 12 runs to Tri-United's 5. The game featured solid pitching by starter Shmuel (after a few walks in the beginning), graceful fielding by almost every Dawg on the field (I think there was only one true Dawg error) including a beee-youteeful back-handed relay from SS Eli Krantman to 2B David Sommer, and closing pitching by our amigo, Yechezkel Gantz, the Dawgs showed what they can do in the field. This time, they also showed what they can do at the plate. Notable were Yossi Glickman's two-run in-the-park homer in the 3rd, in addition to Arthur Sarkovitz's 2-run blast in the 2nd. This writer also remembers Eli Krantman's aggressive baserunning in the 5th, stealing 2nd, 3rd, and scoring, each on different pitches, and each time sliding in to the base. After the game, Eli said that his knees hurt. Gee I wonder why. __________________________________________________________________ The Dawgs now go on Winter Break, which means we're doing nothing, folks, until about the first (yes, first) week in January, 2004. That is also about a week after Channukah. At that point, we will start up our weekly practices once again at Rishon. This will give us at least 8 sessions (minus rain-outs) to get ready for what promises to be a successful year for the Dawgs in 2004. Photo, taken after the game: Standing, ltr: Lowell Blackman, David Sommer, Yechezkel Gantz, Danny Epstein, Jon Dym, Yossi Glickman. Front row: Shmuel Goldstein, Robert Even, Albert Sarkovitz, Eli Krantman. In front: Yaniv Gohary image
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Posted by Shmuel Goldstein at Oct 6, 2003 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
"If you got good pitching, anything
can happen."
Center Fielder Kenny Lofton
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Roster Changes, Fall 2003

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein at Sep 10, 2003 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Jeremy Shai has left us temporarily for his compulsory IDF duties. He will be a soldier until June, 2006. Sounds like a long time. As they say here, ùéôùåó ÷ì åðòéí - which means "may you have a pleasant time getting all scratched up". And come back in one piece, please, Jeremy? Michael Moronov joins us from the RSL. See the Roster link. Eli Krantman, who played for this team once a few years ago, joins us permanently. See the Roster link.
