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Penguin Baseball

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein at Feb 11, 2004 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Cute game, if you've got a few seconds to spare. Thanks to Yechezkel

------------------------------------------------------------- áèåøðéø ùì ìéâú äðåòø äàøöéú áçðåëä 2003, ÷áåöú øçåáåú ì÷çä ùåá àú äâáéò. ùéí ìá áúîåðä éù ãåâæ: ùåøä úçúåðä, áòîöà (áìåðãéðé): àìáøè ñø÷åáéõ, åáöã ùîàì ãåâ ùòáø àìåï ÷îðéø òí ëì äùòø äæä ------------------------------------------------------------- The Rehovot youth all-stars took the cup in the National Youth Softball Tournament held during Hannukah, 2003. See the Dawgs on the team: Front row in the middle in all his blond glory, Albert Sarkovitch, and in the same row on the far left, former Dawg Alon Kaminer, full of hair. -------------------------------------------------------------image
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Dawg Danny Epstein Umps in Tourney

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein at Jan 27, 2004 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Ya see our man Danny Epstein umping here. Couldn't believe he didn't have a mask. Hope he hasn't lost his great looks, dahlink . . . image
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Third Practice Finally Does it, Feb 10

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein at Jan 27, 2004 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Patience works, and this time it worked. Our third practice was a wunnnerful, wunnnerful practice. We had a good team show up, and Jon kept us working and working hard as a team. We started with warm-ups, as usual, then divided up into two groups: one groups did infield practice, and the other did batting practice, with soft-toss. Not so soft, as many of the tosses were pretty quick. Albert hit a ball way over the fence into the Hai-Kef, and we all want to know if the lions ate it. After that, most of the guys did Jon's famous relay race, while Shmuel and Albert on the side warmed up pitching and catching. We then had a scrimmage game, where everyone got to hit except Albert and Shmuel. The pitching was not bad, not bad at all - needs a little work, but the fielding needs more work, guys. Too many overthrows, folks. Attendance report:

Veterans: Jon Dym, Danny Epstein, Albert Sarkovitch, Shmuel Goldstein, Robert (hard as) Even, Natan Mandel, Yaniv Gohary, Yossi Glickman, Yechezkel Gantz, after a loooong vacation in summery Argentina, and Newbies: Yigal Rosfel - welcome to our practices, Yig Absentees Lowell Blackman, David Sommer, Eli Krantman, Michael Moronov, Danny Machlis (do u actually exist?)

Short and quick -----------------------------------------------------------

äàéîåï äùðé ìùðú 2004, á- 06.01.04 äìê èåá å÷öø - äúçìðå òí îâøù øé÷ ìçåìèéï, åæä ðùàø ëëä, ëé àçøé çöé ùòä äâéòä âùí, åòöøðå àú äàéîåï. øàéðå ùç÷ï çãù - éâàì, åîéëàì îåøåðåá çæø. ðåëçéí: åúé÷éí: ,ùîåàì âåìãùèééï,éäåðúï ãéí,ãðé àôùèééï,àìáøè ñø÷åáéõ' éåñé âìé÷îï îéëàì îåøåðåá åçãùéí: éâàì çñøéí: ãåã ñåîø, ìåàì, éðéá, àìé ÷øðèîï, àìãå, øåáøè àáï, éçæ÷àì âðõ àéîåï ùìéùé áøùì"ö. äñôåøè-ëéó ìéã äçé -ëó ùì øàùåï. éåí ùìéùé, 8 áòøá, 20 áéðåàø, 2004 àí éù çùù ùì îîù ùì âùí, ðåãéò òì ãçééú äàéîåï - ðåãéò òã ùòä 16:00


Our second Dawg training for 2004 was on Jan 6, 2004, and it was short and quick, because it started to rain about 45 minutes in to the practice, at which point we called it off. We saw newcomer Yigal, and Michael Moronov returned. Attendance report:

Veterans: Shmuel Goldstein, Jon Dym, Danny Epstein, Michael Moronov, Yossi Glickman, Albert Sarkovitz Newcomers: Yigal Absent: Natan Mandel, Lowell Blackman, Eli Krantman, David Sommer, Yechezkel Gantz, Aldo, Yaniv Gohary

Next practice: Tuesday, January 20, At the Sport-Kef in Rishon LeTzion, 8 PM. If there is rain, we will inform people by 4 PM.
