News and Announcements

PLAYERS: For practices please remember, every player is to bring a ball. Also, be sure bring shin guards and plenty of water for yourself. Keep in mind, with each practice session, we learn and grow as a team. Sometimes even one missed session can leave a player behind from a team standpoint until there is a chance to catch up (such as with set plays). While on the one hand, every player can count on playing time during matches, I do take missed sessions and quality of sessions into account in making up each game plan. Since you have made a commitment to the team, your teammates have a right to expect your presence and full effort at practice so that we can all gain the most benefit out of each session as possible and make this the most rewarding season possible for everybody on the team. I do understand that, sometimes, conflicting commitments (track, confirmation classes, etc.) may occasionally (not frequently) necessitate late arrival, early departure or even missed practice. I understand it but I do not like it and I do not want it to become a habit. Everybody has joined this team willingly and with the foreknowledge and understanding that practice is part of team play. Your teammates have the right to expect your presence at training sessions so that everybody is learning new skills, tactics and plays together and one person won't end up holding up the entire team's development. If you do know you are going to miss practice, it is your responsibility (not your parents') to inform me as far in advance as possible so I can change or adjust the team practice I have planned accordingly. I can be reached at 248-875-7300. You will note that this is a new contact number this year. I have relieved my old answering service of their services, but can now be reached directly at this number. If I am unavailable, please leave a voice mail message. GOALKEEPERS: One of the most neglected positions of most youth teams is the goalkeeper – but not on this team. Anybody who has an interest in proper and dedicated goalkeeper training has that opportunity available to them on this team. In past years it has been my practice hold a “Keepers Only” practice once a week. Last year, the club saw fit to follow my lead and now offers keeper-specific training for all members of RYSL/RSSC. These sessions are conducted by club Director of Coaching, Mark Hamilton and club coach Rob Euashka – both very accomplished goalkeepers themselves. There are a great many benefits to training with other goalkeepers and I urge anybody on Pride who is interested in the position to attend these specialized sessions. If, for some reason, the club-offered training ceases, I will probably resume my old habit of individual training – because I think it is that important… and that beneficial. All players are welcome to attend. If you do attend, that does not mean you will be obligated to play during matches if you do not wish to (beyond the scope of my team policy regarding goalkeeper rotation.) TEAM INPUT: If there is a particular corner kick play, direct or indirect kick play that you are familiar with and would like to introduce for possible use in our matches, I urge you to diagram the play and show it to me so that we can practice the play as time allows. The same applies to any practice drills or games you would like me to consider for use in our team practices. I highly encourage your input. We will establish TEAM RULES at our 1st full practice after spring break. Once established, I expect them to be observed.
Parents, I am very much looking forward to this season and getting to know those of you new to the team, and see all of you returning to the team again. Every time I take on a new team it is quite a challenge and sometimes a little overwhelming. For a roster of 20 players, that generally means 60 new people for me to meet, get to know, names to learn, faces to recognize - plus siblings, best friends & sometimes grandparents, aunts & uncles. That also means 60 or more people to get to know me as well. And among so many people it can be very easy for questions, answers, ideas, and messages to get lost, misinterpreted, or misunderstood in the crowd. In an effort to minimize any miscommunication and to expediate the "getting to know you" process, I would ask that after practice Thursday 30 Aug, rather than wait in the car for your player that day, please take a few minutes and come meet with us at the equipment area immediately following practice. This year I am pleased to see a number of familiar faces so the transition may be a bit more smoothly than in other years. Nonetheless, in order to make full welcome our new team families, as well as review some important and basic items, I still feel that a short meeting is a great way to get off to a good start. Basically, I'll just cover what I hope to accomplish with the team and give you an idea as to my approach to the game, my goals, and my expectations. I will answer any and all questions you may have. This will also be a good opportunity for you to meet the other parents of the team and get to know each other as well - which is always a nice way to start out the season. It is not my intention to make this a long drawn out affair, maybe 15-20 minutes or however much longer you decide. A couple of things I will be asking which I'd like you to please consider: 1 - A volunteer to put together a refreshment schedule. 2 – Volunteers for a “phone tree” – to pass along information to the full team if needed. Usually this would have to do with weather related cancellations of practice 3 - One or several volunteers to keep stats from the team bench during matches. This is often an enjoyable activity for a sibling as well as a parent. There is much for me to analyze and this information is crucial to effectively help me assess the team's performance & development and aids me in determining upcoming training needs. 4 - (this is a big one & #1 on my wish list) - A volunteer with a video camera to tape our matches from beginning to end so that I can analyze the matches at home. This will greatly assist my efforts to plan practice sessions and aid the team's progress. The big trick with this favor is to really focus on the match play with the camera rather than just your daughter. This is a lot to ask but highly, highly appreciated. Anything else you wish to cover or ask is entirely encouraged. That is precisely why I want us to all get together like this. So if you can, please take a few minutes Thursday. I am certain that it will be pleasant and beneficial for everybody. Thank you all in advance. - Coach K WHEN: Thursday, August 30th TIME: 7:00 pm - just after practice for 15 - 20 minutes or so WHERE: Brooklands Elementary Soccer Field - by the goal with all the equipment on the practice field.
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Posted by Knut DeMuur at May 10, 2001 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Training Logs will be due to me at the 1st practice of each week. To download extra copies, click here or click on the picture. Your rate and level of skill and development as a player is mostly up to you. I can show you HOW to become the best player you can be - but only YOU can make the decision to CHOOSE to become the best player you can be. If you commit yourself to the 20-30 minutes a day that I suggest, you WILL be well on you way toward that goal. Go to the Pride Training Page for more details about the 1000 Touches Warm-up, the 1000 Touches Workout and the Touch Ladder. Go to the Safety Page for important information about proper warm-up, stretching, cool-down and why these thing are so very important to your health and safety.image
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Daily Training Log

Posted by Knut DeMuur at May 10, 2001 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Your Daily Training Log will be handed in before the 1st practice of each week. To download extra copies, click here. image
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Rochester H.S. vs Adams H.S. Field Trip

Posted by Knut DeMuur at May 10, 2001 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Last night's field trip was great fun for everyone. Coach Juan Delgado met with the team prior to the match to say hello and give them a few ideas of what to look for and expect from the playing standpoint. ALSO AS A SIDE NOTE: Coach Delgado informed us of YOUTH NIGHT 24 May 2001 for the match against Notre Dame Prep. Any player wearing their uniform gets in for free. If there is enough interest, I will substitute that days practice for the match like we did tonight. The girls had fun meeting the coach, meeting players from both team who have played for me in the past, getting announced over the PA, chasing balls that came over the fence, cheering the home team, eating nachos, talking about boys, and even watching a little soccer as well. Parents also seemed to have a good time watching an excellent and competitive match between two top-notch teams. Sometimes highly impressed at the skill level, knowing that their daughter could be down on that field in just a few short years, sometimes wincing at some of the physical play knowing that their daughter could be down on that field in just a few short years. OH, by the way, Rochester won 2-0. All in all, I think the evening was a big success. Everybody seemed to have a good time, and everybody seemed to get something out of watching some top tier soccer. Well done, Pride. You make me proud, as always.