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Posted by Cesar Aliaga at May 15, 2018 11:13AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

2018 Liga de Yonkers Opening Day

Liga de Yonkers opened its 2018 season this past Sunday, May 13th. This year Liga de Yonkers has 19 teams participating and have been divided into 2 Divisions “A”, 7 teams and “B” 12 teams. Since the number of teams have increased significantly from last year in addition to playing at Pelton Field in Yonkers we are also utilizing Fleming Field in Yonkers.
Division “A” is comprised of teams that have played in the past and Division “B” are new comers to our league. We have put the new clubs basically in Division “B” ( with a few exceptions) to determine their strengths’. Next year the 2 Divisions will be balanced more evenly.
In Division “A” action NY El Salvador, last years champions, opened up against a strong Tallawah team. The final score was 2-0 but it was one of those games that you thought Tallawah was going to break out at any moment. They will be a team to be reckoned with.
Juventus defeated Monarcas 4-1. Juventus, which made the playoffs last year has added some new players to their roster and are looking to move up in the standings and take the next step in the playoffs. Monarcas had some early struggles but the game was closer than the score would have you believe. They are looking to make a major move in the standings this year.
Honduras is back and played a tough Olimpia team which has a number of players from the old Alianza championship teams. Both teams are considered Champion caliber and their 1-1 tie should tell the rest of the division that they are back to play and win.

Division “A” should be full of exciting and close games.

As stated Division “B” is comprised of basically new teams so we will need a few weeks under our belts to see where everyone stands and who are the teams to watch. In first week action:

UNAM defeated Chivas 3-0
Boca Junior defeated Chelsea 2-0
Atlanta United tiedToluca 1-1
Puma defeated Irlanda 3-1
Morelia defeated Liverpool 4-0
CD Leon defeated NYC FC 1-0

Liga de Yonkers will be playing through August with Champion Tournaments starting at the end of July. Come down to Pelton and Fleming and see some great soccer


Posted by Eastern District Soccer League at Jan 20, 2018 11:33AM PST ( 0 Comments )


The Eastern District Soccer Association is proud to have one of its Board of Directors selected to the 2017 class of the Eastern New York Soccer Association Hall of Fame.

German Mena was born and raised in Honduras. As most Hondurans his love for the game of soccer started young and he played the great sport of soccer almost before he could walk. He played right through High School and wanted to continue after school but German knew the he did not possess the skills to play in the semi-professional leagues. The semi-professional leagues did notice German’s knowledge of the game and natural ability to lead and instruct and offered him a position as coach. German became one of the youngest coaches ever to lead a Honduras semi-professional team. His fairness and ability to coach players much older than him and win were noticed by all.

Times were tough in Honduras and German’s father convinced German to move to America in March of 1994. The pressure of moving to a new country and making a living were monumental but he still took time to play soccer. Soccer to German is not simply a sport, but a way of life. He would go down to Tibbetts Brook Park and Pelton Field in Yonkers to participate in “pick-up” games and formed some strong friendships through soccer. In just a year his new friends form a team called “Friends United” and joined the Liga Mexicana de Yonkers. Besides playing his leadership skills once again surfaced and he was elected assistant coach.

In the first 2 years of “Friends United” wins were scares and they finished last out of 16 teams. In 1998 a few players from his native country Honduras asked him to help form a team of Hondurans. German gladly accepted and became coach of “Honduras Yonkers”.

In 1999 “Honduras Yonkers” won the league championship and repeated this feat for another 5 years becoming the only team to win 6 consecutive championships. Their reputation grew and were invited to participate in city-wide, countywide and statewide tournaments. Their games drew large crowds and they always finished in the top percent of the tournaments.

In 2006 Liga Mexicana de Yonkers encountered some problems and the teams were looking for a new outlet. The managers approached the City of Yonkers and asked for assistance in establishing a new “certified” league. The City of Yonkers offered to help but the league would have to be governed by the team and players themselves. The teams agreed and that night the 20 teams form a Board of Directors and German was voted unanimously to be president and lead their new endeavor. That night “Liga de Yonkers” was formed. The City of Yonkers Parks Commissioner said “Liga de Yonkers would have never had survived if it wasn’t for German Mena.”

Germans playing days were over but now coaching Honduras Yonkers and running the league became almost a full time job. Liga de Yonkers also joined the Eastern District Soccer League to give credibility to the league. German didn’t stop at just running Liga de Yonkers. He saw the need of soccer in the Yonkers Community and became an advocate for soccer at all levels. He started an over 40 league which played during the week, he started the first women’s league in Yonkers, and pushed back the game times of Liga de Yonkers to give playing time to youth soccer. If anyone had a soccer question or needed help German was the guy to go to. Not only did he work tirelessly promoting local soccer he was also instrumental in bringing non-affiliate players and teams into Eastern District Soccer League and Eastern New York State Soccer. He became a true ambassador for the sport of soccer.

In 2008 German was honored to be invited by EDSL President Peter Pinori to become a Board Member of EDSL and continues to serve proudly.

Honduras Yonkers continued to be one of the top teams in the area and participated and won numerous State Cup competitions. In 2016 they made the finals of the state cup but regretfully lost in close, well-played game.

In 2017, regretfully due to health reasons, German gave up coaching Honduras Yonkers and relinquished the presidency of Liga de Yonkers. He still serves and participates on the EDSL Board, and still spends time on Sundays at Pelton Field assisting whenever and wherever possible.

When informed he was nominated to the State Hall of Fame, he was honored but also embarrassed. Honored to be recognized by his peers but embarrassed for being honored by the great game of soccer when the great game of soccer has done so much for him.

Liga de Yonkers Champions

Posted by Open-Liga de Yonkers at Nov 1, 2017 1:43PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Liga de Yonkers Champions attended the EDSL Champions Night Party Awards at Ukrainian Youth Center.
Players from CD Alianza received their Champion Trophy and celebrated big time.


Posted by Eastern District Soccer League at Nov 1, 2017 1:27PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The EDSL Dinner Dance Party held at Ukrainian Youth Center in Yonkers on October 27, 2017 attracted an attendance of more than 200 people. Champions Awards were handed in to all Champions from all the divisions, Open EDSL, Port Chester, Liga de Yonkers, Mount Kisco, Over 30 and Over 40; topped with the Winners of the State Cup and Champions Cup.
Good music, wine and beer accompany the delicious appetizers and food served.

LDY has a new Champion

Posted by Cesar Aliaga at Sep 20, 2017 1:06PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

CD Alianza wins Liga de Yonkers Championship

Liga de Yonkers Championship week was held this Sunday, September 17th at Pelton Field.

In the consolation game NY El Salvador defeated Atals 3-1 to finish in third place. The game was close till the end of the second half when NY El Salvador scored there third goal to put the game out of reach.

In the Championship game Real Honduras and CD Alianza played to a 1-1 tie at end of regulation. CD Alainza scored their goal on a controversial penalty call in the box which lead to a penality kick. Although the call seemed questionable, it is believed the official made the right call.

During penaillty kicks Real Honduras missed their last kick and CD Alianza just had to make their final kick for the victoy, but the Real Honduras goalie had other ideas and made a great save on Alianza’s last kick to continue the penalty kicks. Penality kicks continued until the D Alianza goalie made a great save and then took the final kick to CD Alianza the championship.

Its a shame that in this game between two great and evenly matched teams their has to be loser but Congratulations to CD Alianza.

Congratulatons to all 4 teams in the finals for great seasons and playoffs.

Gorayed & Associates Sponsors Liga de Yonkers Champonship

Gorayeb & Associates donated $5000 in prize money to the top four teams in Liga de Yonkers playoffs. Gorayeb and Associates have also supported local soccer leagues and Liga de Yonkers was fortunate this year to be on the receiving end of their generosity. Gorayeb’s representative Juan Tejeds was on hand to personally award the prize money.

Liga de Yonkers and all its teams and players thank Gorayeb & Associates.