
2008-07-13T14:07:28.000-07:00July 13 2008, at 02:07 PM PDT, Blaine Schykawy said:

Hey guys. I had my finger X-rayed on Friday and it's fractured. I can't play for another few weeks.

2008-07-09T18:14:24.000-07:00July 09 2008, at 06:14 PM PDT, Blaine Schykawy said:

I didn't get home from work until 10 mins ago. Not gonna waste money to drive there and not play.

2008-07-09T09:59:52.000-07:00July 09 2008, at 09:59 AM PDT, Sterling Simpson said:

Blaine... you attending but not able to play?

2008-07-08T18:28:54.000-07:00July 08 2008, at 06:28 PM PDT, Jenn Frost said:

Andrew and i will be at the game tomorrow but i will not make the 17th and neither andrew or i will make the 25th

2008-07-08T17:16:51.000-07:00July 08 2008, at 05:16 PM PDT, Chris Sundstrom said:

I plan to make it Wednesday...I might be totally wrecked from the four day Cape Scott hike I'm doing this weekend, but I'll do my best.

2008-07-08T16:57:20.000-07:00July 08 2008, at 04:57 PM PDT, Blaine Schykawy said:

i still can't play. Hopefully I can for the 17th

2008-07-08T15:10:03.000-07:00July 08 2008, at 03:10 PM PDT, Sterling Simpson said:

We only have 7 confirmed people for the game Wednesday. Andrew, Chris, John are you guys coming? if we have you 3 then we got 10

2008-07-08T14:42:26.000-07:00July 08 2008, at 02:42 PM PDT, Neil Ashworth said:

I am away Jul 12th - 27th

2008-07-08T14:38:31.000-07:00July 08 2008, at 02:38 PM PDT, Jasp Orama said:

I am away from Jul17-21

2008-06-30T20:07:37.000-07:00June 30 2008, at 08:07 PM PDT, Corey Kowal said:

Hey guys - I'll be away from July 3 - 13...won't be available.
