News and Announcements

It's Hit-A-thon time!!  This will be the event of the year!  The Hit-A-thon will be the first time the players will get together as a team and compete.  This is also the time to support our league, as this is our one and only fund raising event for the year.  This provides an opportunity to 'pay it forward' to all of the people, players, and families who make this league what it is today.  With your commitment to this fundraiser, we will be able to continue great events like the Winter Clinic and Opening Day activities as well as finish the Concession stand remodeling, provide new baseball equipment, and maintain/upgrade the fields we play on every day.
The Hit-A-thon is your opportunity to support our league.  Attached is the Hit-A-thon Pledge form.  Please print out the form and get familiar with the content.  You will also be able to get it from the TABB website. 
The pledge form is straight forward.  Ask family, neighbors, and friends to support you with a pledge ($5,$10, $25 etc...).  Collect as many pledges as you can because there is a contest and prizes for the individual and teams who bring in the most pledges.  All winners will be announced on Opening day (in front of the whole league!!!). 
Here's the CHALLENGE.  It's all about competition.  Take a look at the point system and challenge yourself.  Come up with a total amount of points you think you can get and put it on your Pledge sheet under 'CHALLENGE' points; and ask all of your pledges for a BONUS pledge if you overachieve on the CHALLENGE points.  For instance, you may be sponsored $15 for a pledge; and $10 more on the Challenge.  If you accumulate more than the challenge points; you get the additional pledge!!!
Each team has a time slot on Saturday, February 21, 2009.  The REVISED schedule is posted below for your convenience. The time slots will be very tight so we ask that you arrive before your time slot and are prepared when you are called.  Also, you MUST bring your pledge sheet to the field in order to participate.  The Hit-A-thon managers will need to write on your pledge sheet your points per hit in order to verify your CHALLENGE bonus.
We have two (2) weeks to get ready.  You now have 2 challenges; the first is to get as many pledges as possible before Feb 21; and you have to work out with your team to get your bats all primed and ready for some big point hits.  Are you up for the CHALLENGE!!