News and Announcements

The Little League Congress recently met in Virginia and passed several rule changes. Although most will not take effect until 2005, one takes effect immediately for minors and majors: A MANAGER OR COACH IS NOW ALLOWED TO VISIT THE PITCHER AT THE MOUND; HE OR SHE NEED NOT STOP AT THE FOUL LINE. (Juniors and Seniors managers and coaches have always been allowed to go to the mound.)
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Umpires Must Report All Incidents

Posted by Jim Allen at Apr 24, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Umpires must keep the League informed of all violations of rules and other incidents worthy of comment, especially the disqualficaiton of any manager, coach or player, and the reasons therefor. We have created a form to facilitate this, which can be found in the handout below.
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Substitution Rules Explained

Posted by Jim Allen at Apr 15, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Now that Majors and up are playing by Little League subsitution and minimum play rules, it is important for all of us--managers, players and umpires--to know what the rules are and how to apply them.

There are really two rules at issue.

First, Regulation IV(i) provides: "Every player on a team roster will participate in each game for a minimum of 6 defensive outs and bat at least once." It is important to note that this is NOT a substitution rule. It simply says that by the end of the game, every player must have batted at least once and played 6 defensive outs--not necessarily consecutively.

Second, Rule 3.03 provides:

A player in the starting line-up who has been removed for a substitute may re-enter the game once, in any position in the batting order, provided:
1. his or her substitute has completed one time at bat and;
2. has played defensively for a minimum of six(6) CONSECUTIVE outs;
3. a pitcher may not re-enter the game as a pitcher;
4. only a player in the starting line-up may re-enter the game;
5. a starter (S1) re-entering the game as a substitute for another
starter (S2) must then fulfill all conditions of a substitute (once at bat
and six defensive outs) before starter (S2) can re-enter the game.

NOTE THAT NEITHER RULE STATES THAT A STARTER MUST PLAY 6 OUTS AND BAT ONCE BEFORE BEING REMOVED. A starter must play 6 outs and bat once, but the outs do not have to be consecutive. Consecutive outs only apply to rule 3.03 for a substitute. If a starter returns to a different spot in the order and the player he replaces is someone else's sub; this has no effect on the re-entering player.

Little League Rule 3.03 is simply a "re-entry" rule. The only thing that may cause confusion is # 5: When the removed starter can re-enter. He/She may re-enter after HIS or HER substitute has played 6 CONSECUTIVE outs and batted once. That's all there is to it. The starter may re-enter in any spot in the line-up. The starter and sub are linked together. When the starter's sub finishes the play requirement, the starter may re-enter. When the starter re-enters; if he replaces another starter, then he is now a substitute and the second starter may not re-enter until the first starter (who is now a substitute) plays 6 consecutive outs and bats once. To repeat, the minimum play time Regulation IV(i) is a completely separate issue and has nothing to do with rule 3.03 for re-entry.

A starter may not re-enter until HIS substitute (meaning the player who took his place) plays six consecutive outs and bats once. It does not matter that the player who took his place was a starter originally. The original starter (S1) for purposes of this rule is now a substitute and must play six consecutive outs and bat once before the other starter (S2) may re-enter. The fact that he (S1) already played some outs is irrelevant. He is now somebody's sub and must meet a sub's criteria.

Confusion also arises when a coach re-enters a starter into a different spot in the batting order. Example: The batting order is:

Charles (S1), batting 3rd is replaced by Subby. Subby must bat in the 3rd position. Charles (S1) may not re-enter until Subby plays six consecutive outs and bats once. After that occurs the manager may re-enter Charles (S1) in the 5th spot for Eddie (S2). Charles (S1) is now, by definition a substitute. (Eddie's). Eddie (S2) may not re-enter until Charles (S1) plays six more consecutive outs and bats once. Any previous outs that Charles (S1) played do not matter at this point. He is now a substitute. Substitutes must play six consecutive outs, starters do not. David, the 4th batter could be taken out any time after the game begins, but must play six outs and bat once before the game ends, and may not re-enter until his sub (starter or not), plays six consecutive outs.

If rule 3.03 is violated, it creates a protestable situation. The improperly re-entered player is treated the same as an ineligible player and rule 4.19(d) is applied. The improperly re-entered player is removed from the game permanently and an ELIGIBLE sub is put in (not the player that the improperly re-entered player replaced.) The opposing manager may protest the game any time up until the umpires leave the field at the end of the game. If the protest is upheld, the game restarts from the point where the player illegally re-entered.

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NMBOLL Going to Marlins Game on Sunday!

Posted by Jim Allen at Apr 6, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
This Sunday, over 500 kids, parents and volunteers in the NMBOLL will see the World Champion Marlins take on Randy Johnson and the Arizona Diamondbacks on Sunday, May 23, 2004. Game start is 3:00 P.M. As in prior years, this is a Youth Baseball Day game, which means a) kids can parade around the field before the game, and b) a Miguel Cabrera Youth Baseball Jersey will be given to the first 5,000 kids (12 and under) in attendance. More details will be available from your manager, who has your tickets. Hope to see you there!!image
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Interleague Schedules Now Up!

Posted by Jim Allen at Mar 29, 2004 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
The majors division interleague schedule has been posted by our Mistress of Scheduling, Stephanie Kienzle. The Juniors Schedule is now completely posted as is the Seniors Schedule (yes, Virginia, we DO have a seniors team after all!) Those divisions will compete against other Little Leagues in the North Dade area, including North Miami American, North Miami National, and Ives Estates. Another group of Little Leagues a little further south will similarly compete in the Miami-Dade American League. The leagues' regular season will last until the week before Memorial Day. Each league will then conduct a League Championship Playoff (with all teams eligible), followed by the first annual Miami-Dade Interleague World Series.

Interleague trophies will be given to the winner of each league, as well as the World Series winner. Our league will also recognize with an award the majors team that finishes the season with the best regular season record (including all games played to date), and will also crown as our league champion the team that advances the farthest in the Interleague playoffs.

What does all that mean? First, it means that some of our games will be played at other parks. It is important for you parents to make a strong showing of positive support for your teams, because you know that the other leagues will have the stands packed in their parks!
It is also important for us (players, parents and coaches alike) to carry the banner of NMB sportsmanship and positve attitude, regardless of whether people at those parks reciprocate.

Second, it means that the majors division will stop using our local "continuous batting order" rule, and transfer over to the standard 9-person batting order used in major league baseball. Everyone still gets to play. We will use pinch-hitters (and even pinch runners). Little League rules require that every player on every team be allowed to bat once and field for 6 outs. The practical effect of this rule shift may not even be noticeable to most of you. It does mean, though, that our majors managers and coaches will gain valuable experience in playing under these rules, which are very similar to those used in the Little League Tournament, which will follow in July.

Your manager will be discussing these changes with parents and players alike in the near future. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email League President Jim Allen.