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Welcome to the Jeff Guild show!

The first game against these guys was a tough one and this one was as well.  The early game was back and forth with a few opportunities for both sides, but nothing developing until the 28th minute when Jeff took a through ball deep into the left side.  He then broke clear of the defender who was tight on him and slotted the ball in next to the near post to beat the keeper.  Didn't look like there was much of a hole there from the far side of the field, but it was big enough.

Forty minutes later and it was Jeff coming in on the left side again, but this time there was no shot available.  Jeff worked his way all the way across the goal, using his body well to bend a little further around the defender each step until by the time he reached the right side of the goalie box he was able to angle the ball back across the goal towards the far post.  It was clearly heading in, but just to make sure a defender tried to volley it clear and buried it in the net.

Third time wasn't the charm, although it would have been one of the prettiest goals of the year if it had gone in as Jeff hit a long cross from the left side for Mo to hit on the volley.  Well struck, but not quite on target and we had to settle for two.

The defense played solidly.  Kevin had a nice punch out on a corner and one other good save.  He played a solid game, but wasn't forced into any heroics which is the way we like it.

As has been said, we are playing the two teams above us.  If we beat them both we are at worst tied for the lead.  We'll have split games with them, so goal differential is the next decider.  We're one up on Woburn and one down on Lexington.  Beat them both by a couple of goals and the Division should be ours.  Let's do it!
GM Note:   GREAT WIN BOYS!!!  We have a chance to make the playoffs but even better get promoted to D3.  We need to keep winning.   Focus --  Team Work
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DEA Crushes CD Faialense 7-1 at Joppa Hill

Posted by Dale Dubois at Oct 16, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Thanks for the big field Dale, even more fun when they only have 7!

We started a bit late as the other team managed to get lost on the way to the game, and eve with the extra 15 minutes they only had 7 when we kicked off.  They get a lot of credit though for playing hard despite the numbers and they actually managed to get on the score board first with a PK in the early minutes.  After that we settled down and started to take advantage of our numbers.

The first goal was also our first effective corner of the season.  We need more of these!  Jimmy lofted a ball up to the penalty kick mark and Rick did his best Spud Webb imitation, winning the header for the goal.

Some good passing back and forth, using the extra men well, and another new player landed on the scoreboard as Jimmy fed Mo who got his first goal of the season on a nice strike.  Seeing how happy this made Mo, Scott spoon fed him another ball for the third and final goal of the half.

We opened the second half well with some more good back and forth work, then Brother John hit a cross for a power volley from Jimmy.  It went wide, but was a great effort.  Narrowing in on the target, Jimmy sent his next shot off the post.  Nitin was there for the rebound and it was 4-1.  The other teams wayward players and finally shown up and it was now full squad on full squad, but we had solid control of the game by this point.  Nitin enjoyed his taste of the goal, and took another ball in for a solo goal.

Time to share the wealth and now it was Jeff and Scott who worked the ball down with Scott finishing it off.  That worked well and Jeff again played a through ball behind the defense which was pushing the midline.  This time German made his best sprint of the season, collecting the ball before the defense could get there and feeding it across to a wide open Scott for the finish.

After that we took to ball control to play out the last 5-10 minutes.  Fully grasping the theme, Steve sent one into orbit from the top of the box.  He may not have reached Connecticut, but he got pretty close to the dairy farm anyway.

A good game.  We had the advantage and used it.  I like the scoring trend, next week 8 goals against Pepperell!
GM Note:  Great Work Boys!!!!!  I think we finally got the hang of this scoring thing that we were missing.   Last two games we outscored our opponents 13-2!!!!  We can't lose when we put up numbers like that.  Lets take it to Pepperell now!   GREAT WIN !!!
A beautiful morning and a beautiful result.  A solid well played game by all involved, the way we should be doing it.  With three of the four John's out, we had to shuffle things up a bit on the defense, but things came together well.

The first score came on a through ball footrace between Nitin and their keeper. Nitin won the race and flicked the ball clear but was cleated by the goalie before he could follow it up.  Jimmy placed the PK in the corner with great care and it was one to nothing.

The second goal came when a long cross from Jimmy was picked up by Scott on the far side.  Scott "Impossible Angle" Vaughan then popped the ball up and over the keeper's head and into the net while standing practically on the endline.

We went into the halt time pretty happy with a two goal lead.  The second half opened well early when German unselfishly fed a through ball to Jeff who finished with a great run for a 3-0 lead.

Number four came on another good set of passes ending in a feed by Jeff to the deep right side for Mohamad who made a great cross for Scott to knock in.

Jimmy got number 5 on a give and go sequence with Jeff, keeping up what's become a repeating theme for the last few games.

Unfortunately the injuries and subsequent lack of subs did take some toll.  With four people injured and only three subs, Brother John went back in despite having tweaked his hamstring.  Turned out to be a good decision as he finished off our scoring with a nice 30 yard strike.

Pride kept Burlington pushing hard at the end of the game.  There were a few outstanding saves by both keeper and backs, but with less than 2 minutes left they managed their one goal of the game.

This is the way we are capable of playing.  Let's do it again next week
GM Note:   Now thats what I am talking about!!!    GREAT WIN BOYS !!!!   Make sure you bring your legs for this Sundays game at Joppa Hill.  The field is 80 yds wide x 120 yds long.....   You do have the option of playing on the smaller field if that suits the game day roster also..... 
Not the way we wanted to inaugurate our new pitch.

There's no arguing that this was a good fast team, but so are we and we should be able to hold our own against these guys.

The first goal came from a chip shot from the right of the goal.  It hit the crossbar and slanted down and in.  If we only let the other team take shots like that, then we'll be doing fine.  We kept him outside and he got lucky.

The second goal was a breakaway down the our left side and it was a footrace in the middle.  Kevin went out to challenge as he had to, and the crossing ball found us outnumbered in the middle and they put it away.

Goal #3 was off a goalie punt.  Huge high ball saw Dave and the striker side by side running it down.  It bounced in front of them, unfortunately on the striker's side.  Kevin got caught in the no-win position, realizing as he started for it that he wasn't going to win the race for the ball and too late to get back to the goal line.  The striker hit a perfect head ball over him and in.

It wasn't all gloom.  We started the second half with a beautiful example of what we can and should be doing.  Center D to wing D to center half to Jimmy on the right to Jeff in the middle and into the goal.    Fast crisp passes that left them watching it go by.

Mohammed had a nice goal, winning a one on one with the keeper but it was called back as offsides.

The short field definitely cost us on two of the goals, but we play on a lot of short fields and need to be able to handle it.  And we need to put together more than one or two scoring opportunities in a game.  We are clearly capable of doing it, we do it right at least once in most games, and when we do, we score.  We just need to keep our heads in the game so that we're doing it ten or twelve times each match instead of once.
Time for the second half push guys, let's put it together and take it to them.
GM NOTE:  Joppa will be lined the other way for our next home game so I don't have to listen to this crap about a small field, a short field, the ball has too much air, the sun is too bright,  the fans are too noisey, there were bugs in my eyes,  I couldn't remember if I put ice on the beer, why are our socks black, was this really a cow pasture before it was a soccer field....   
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DEA Turns Things Around on Pepperell

Posted by Dale Dubois at Sep 22, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Good game, good friends, good beer, what more could one ask for?

A nice win against a talented team.  We started out well, good ball control, kept our composure and didn't let their young fast guys (41, who is that kid?) break loose from us.  Jeff G and Jimmy played a nice set of give and go, from the middle to the outside and back again to score the first goal and we went into the half leading one nothing.

Second half was not a good start.  Too quick decisions, not taking the time to control the ball and not taking the simple passes.  Probably a little hyped up from the good first half.  We settled down after about 10 minutes however and got back into the swing of things.  A good back and forth game with nothing breaking loose for most of the half until they broke down the right wing then lofted a cross to a very nice diving header.  Of course we'd rather not have given out the goal, but it was good effort on their part and the guy really laid himself out for the score.

More credit to the team as with 10 minutes left we didn't let the ourselves get down and brought the pressure back to them.  Another case of the ball starting all the way in the back and coming forward on good give and goes saw Jimmy coming across the goal from close in where his quick flick brushed the goalies fingertips on it's way up, over and in.  Jeff G was there to pick it up and dump it in if needed, but it wasn't necessary.

A clear win on the third half as well, although there's a persistent rumor that there was actually one beer left, we'll have to work on that.

Let's bring the same attitude to the next game and do it again.  Remember, THURSDAY NIGHT, 8:00, Home field.  Be there!