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Woburn showed up with this young gal as a cheerleader and DEA fell apart. Next thing you know... there were 2 balls rolling into the net as Kellogg was googly eyed... John Guild scored one for the good guys but the damage was done... Upper management was reportedly in negotiations with the young lass in an attempt to sway her to join the DEA cheerleader squad.....or possibly take Goddard's position. Thank God we are going home this weekend to turn things around... image
On a small choppy field in Lynnfield Mass, Bedford brought 15 players to look for their second win of the season. Having not lost a game for what seems forever, it was bound to happen. Our chief goalkeeper was away lounging on the beaches of who knows where, as well as, defensive power house Mitch Green, also on vacation in some tropical place. The team was also missing "Super Sniper" Jim Pellering, as well as a few others, but still a good strong nucleus showed up to play. The field was extremely tough to gain any kind of control of the ball, and the mad Irish men from the other team let you know every time you were near the play of their presence, with an elbow of shoulder to the back. DEA struck the first and only goal of the first half with a John Guild, to brother Jeff, who strikes a strong cross in front of the goal to, who else (right place at the right time) Stan, knocking it in. In fact (true story), the referee stated to this writer that he noticed that our striker (Stan) really knew how to hold the line and time his runs, never being off sides. The second half found Bedford possessing with lots of pressure for the first 20 minutes. A bounding ball jumping from player to player got to John Morin, who recognizing the goalie to be way out of position bangs one at the goal, deflecting off one defender to find its way to the back of the goal. 2 - 0 things seemed well in hand, Lynnfield players were getting frustrated, DEA was getting a bit more physical in return, this witnessed by the red head forward from Lynnfield who after getting bumped off a ball and not getting a call, turns to the referee 10 feet away and says "F" you, you completely missed the call. He proudly received only a yellow and the game continued. Somewhere in the middle of the second half the game went into the Twilight Zone, 3 unanswered goals devastated the flabbergasted Bedford team. No excuses, no good reasons, just bewilderment. A subtle rain then came from the skies and the spell seemed to be broken. Bedford stood up form there sleep and started playing again, but time running out. DEA put up lots of pressure, but they could not find the tie breaker to get them back in the game. When we get this team again on a larger fieldand no home field fairy dust the results should be much different. DEA is on the road again next Sunday with a game with the Woburn Masters team. Game time is 9:00 AM at the Altevesta School in Woburn, MA. Go to "Locations" on this site for directions. Look for DEA to get back to their winning ways and claw their way back to first place where they belong.
This game will be rescheduled for a later date to be announced
Stan is still the man. With more goals that off sides Stan starts DEA 0-40 off with the first win of the season. The 8:30 early am game started with frigid temperatures of 35 degrees. Team DEA played like they were still frozen, trying to make the transition from indoor to outdoor. First goal came from a nice cross in front of the goal by John Valickus, after a couple of defensive bobbles Stan was right there to put it away. Windham countered back a short time after by beating our defense and putting it by net master Jim Goddard (who by the way was fashionably late for the game). He did look great in his new goalie shirt though. With some back and forth play, DEA got an indirect kick in the goal area, George quickly reacts to the play hitting a short pass to Jim McCall putting a shot in the left corner while the defenders were still setting up a goal line wall on the right side. Once again Windham counters with a cheap goal from a shot that deflected off of three people before trickling into the goal. Bedford changed up the format from 4-3-3 to 4-4-2 based on some half time discussion from key defender Mitch Green. The team got into much more of a rhythm and started to take control of the game. DEA once again placed high pressure on the Windham goalie with a bad kick coming off a defender into the waiting attack of Stan Wisniewski, who once again knocks one home for his second goal. Windham having very few opportunities the second half got a quick goal to tie the game up once again. Bedford finally took the lead for good on a cross from Jim McCall into the goal area, picking up where he left off last season was most "offensive" defender Ray Luscinski picking up the free ball, and with that big kick rockets one into the back of the net. It was a rough start for the Defending champs but in the end they got the job done by getting the "W". A few more games and they should be well on the way to defending the title in pursuit of winning another division and moving up to D5 in the fall. DEA 4 - Windham 3 Other News: Uniforms are great, but we need to talk fashion do's and don'ts with the match up of Blue/White shorts to Blue/Yellow shirts. But we are still happy to new uniforms, not to complain.
The DEA Bedford Masters will be looking to leap frog Division 6 and head for 5 this spring season. With all the quality players back from the fall, DEA is very deep in tallent. We will be expecting great things from this team this spring season. DEA will start the campaign out against long time rivals, Windham at Griffin Park in Windham, NH. Go to Locations for maps to all the game fields. Game time is this Sunday, April 9th at 8:30AM so make sure you get some sleep, Mark.